Condoled is valid Scrabble Word

Is condoled a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is condoled valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONDOLED in dictionary:

Words related to CONDOLED

condole10 condoles11 condoling13

How to use CONDOLED in a sentence

Similar words containing NDOL without suffix ed and without prefix co

indol6 indole7 indols7 condole10 gondola9 indoles8 mandola10 condoler11 condoles11 gondolas10 indolent9 mandolas11 mandolin11 bandoleer12 bandoleon12 bandolero12 bandolier12 bandoline12 condolent12 condolers12 condoling13 endolymph20 farandole13 girandola11 girandole11 gondolier11 indolence12 indolency15 iprindole12 mandoline12 mandolins12 nondollar10 bandoleers13 bandoleons13 bandoleros13 bandoliers13 bandolined14 bandolines13 condolence15 endolithic16 endolymphs21 farandoles14 girandolas12 girandoles12 gondoliers12 indolences13 indolently14 iprindoles13 mandolines13 rondoletto11 bandoleered15 bandoliered15 bandolining15 condolatory17 condolement16 condolences16 condolingly18 indolencies14 mandolinist14 rondolettos12 condolements17 indoleacetic17 mandolinists15 endolymphatic26 indolebutyric21
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