Burr is valid Scrabble Word

Is burr a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is burr valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BURR in dictionary:

Words related to BURR

buhr9 buhrs10 bur5 burred9 burring10 burrs7 burs6

Words that contain BURR

burro7 burrs7 burry10 burred9 burrel8 burrer8 burros8 burrow11 deburr9 burrata9 burrell9 burrels9 burrers9 burrhel12 burrier9 burring10 burrito9 burrows12 deburrs10 goburra10 saburra9 burramys15 burratas10 burrells10 burrfish16 burrhels13 burriest10 burritos10 burrowed14 burrower13 deburred12 goburras11 saburral10 saburras10 sandburr11 unburrow13 burrawang15 burrowers14 burrowing15 burrstone11 deburring13 sandburrs12 unburrows14 burramundi15 burramyses17 burrawangs16 burrfishes18 burrstones12 kookaburra20 unburrowed16 burramundis16 burrowstown19 kookaburras21 saburration13 unburrowing17 burrowstowns20 saburrations14

How to use BURR in a sentence

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