Arses is valid Scrabble Word

Is arses a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is arses valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ARSES in dictionary:

Words related to ARSES

arse4 arsis5

Words that contain ARSES

carses8 farses9 marses8 parses8 hearses10 coarsest10 hoarsest11 sparsest10 catharses14 enhearses12 inhearses12 katharses16 misparses13 rehearses12 unhearses12 shortarses13 smartarses12 anacatharses17 narcocatharses21

How to use ARSES in a sentence

Similar words containing ARSE without suffix s

arse4 arsed6 arsey8 carse7 farse8 marse7 parse7 arseno6 carses8 carsey11 coarse8 farsed10 farses9 hearse9 hoarse9 karsey13 marses8 parsec10 parsed9 parser8 parses8 sarsen6 sparse8 tarsel6 arsenal7 arsenic9 carseys12 coarsen9 coarser9 hearsed11 hearses10 hoarsen10 hoarser10 karseys14 parsecs11 parsers9 sarsens7 sparser9 tarseal7 tarsels7 arsehole11 arsenals8 arsenate8 arsenics10 arsenide9 arsenite8 arsenous8 coarsely13 coarsens10 coarsest10 enhearse11 hoarsely14 hoarsens11 hoarsest11 inhearse11 misparse12 rehearse11 sarsenet8 sparsely13 sparsest10 tarseals8 unhearse11 arseholed13 arseholes12 arsenates9 arseniate9 arsenical11 arsenides10 arsenious9 arsenites9 catharses14 coarsened12 enhearsed13 enhearses12 farseeing13 hoarsened13 inhearsed13 inhearses12 katharses16 marseille11 misparsed14 misparses13 rehearsed13 rehearser12 rehearses12 sarsenets9 shortarse12 smartarse11 sparsedly15 unhearsed13 unhearses12 arseniates10 arsenicals12 coarseness12 coarsening13 hoarseness13 hoarsening14 kiloparsec18 marseilles12 megaparsec17 Show more ...
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