Vend is valid Scrabble Word

Is vend a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vend valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VEND in dictionary:

Words related to VEND

sell4 vendable14 vendables15 vended11 vending12 vendings13 vendition13 venditions14 vends9

Words that contain VEND

vends9 vendu9 vended11 vendee10 vender10 vendis10 vendor10 vendue10 vendus10 provend13 vendace13 vendage12 vendees11 venders11 vending12 vendiss11 vendors11 vendues11 lavender12 provends14 vendable14 vendaces14 vendages13 vendange13 vendetta12 vendeuse12 vendible14 vendibly17 vendings13 vendises12 cavendish18 chavender18 lavenders13 provender15 vendables15 vendanges14 vendettas13 vendeuses13 vendibles15 vendisses13 vendition13 chavenders19 invendible16 lavendered15 provenders16 unvendible16 vendettist14 venditions14 cavendishes20 lavendering16 provendered18 revendicate17 vendettists15 vendibility20 venditation15 provendering19 revendicated19 revendicates18 vendibleness18 venditations16 invendibility22 revendicating20 revendication19 vendibilities19 revendications20 vendiblenesses20 invendibilities21

How to use VEND in a sentence

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