Uns is valid Scrabble Word

Is uns a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is uns valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNS in dictionary:

Words related to UNS


Words that contain UNS

buns6 duns5 funs7 guns5 huns7 luns4 muns6 nuns4 puns6 runs4 suns4 tuns4 bouns7 dunsh9 fauns8 hauns8 louns5 nouns5 rauns5 shuns8 stuns5 touns5 unsay8 unset5 unsew8 unsex12 unsod6 unsaw8 unsee5 astuns6 baluns8 bosuns8 bunsen8 gunsel7 inruns6 jaunse13 jotuns13 munshi11 reruns6 stauns6 stouns6 sunset6 swouns9 tabuns8 unsafe9 unsaid7 unsawn9 unsays9 unseal6 unseam8 unseat6 unseel6 unseen6 unself9 unsell6 unsent6 unsets6 unsewn9 unsews9 unsexy16 unshed10 unship11 unshod10 unshoe9 unshot9 unshut9 unsnag7 unsnap8 unsoft9 unsold7 unsoul6 unsown9 unspar8 unsped9 unspun8 unstep8 unstop8 unstow9 unsuit6 unsung7 unsunk10 unsure6 upruns8 voduns10 yamuns11 unsees6 adnouns8 airguns8 bunsens9 cahouns12 counsel9 dunshed12 dunshes11 funster10 gunsels8 gunship13 gunshot11 gurjuns15 jaunsed15 jaunses14 munshis12 Show more ...

How to use UNS in a sentence

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