Ug is valid Scrabble Word

Is ug a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ug valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for UG in dictionary:

Words related to UG

hate7 ugged8 ugging9 ugs4

Words that contain UG

bug6 dug5 fug7 hug7 jug11 lug4 mug6 nug4 pug6 rug4 sug4 tug4 ugh7 ugs4 vug7 yug7 augh8 bugs7 chug10 drug6 dugs6 euge5 eugh8 frug8 fugs8 fugu8 glug6 guga6 huge8 hugs8 hugy11 juga12 jugs12 luge5 lugs5 mugg8 mugs7 nugs5 plug7 pugh10 pugs7 ruga5 rugs5 scug7 skug9 slug5 smug7 snug5 spug7 sugh8 sugo5 sugs5 thug8 trug5 tugs5 ughs8 ugly8 vugg9 vugh11 vugs8 yuga8 yugs8 ugli5 ajuga13 almug8 auger6 aught9 augur6 bouge8 bough11 brugh11 buggy12 bugle8 chugs11 cough11 debug9 dough10 drugs7 erugo6 eughs9 faugh12 frugs9 fugal9 fuggy13 fugie9 fugio9 fugle9 fugly12 fugue9 fugus9 gauge7 glugs7 gouge7 gugas7 haugh12 heugh12 hough12 huger9 huggy13 jougs13 jugal13 jugum15 kaugh13 kluge10 kugel10 laugh9 leugh9 lough9 luged7 luger6 luges6 mugga9 muggs9 muggy12 nugae6 ought9 plugs8 puggy12 pugil8 rouge6 rough9 rugae6 rugal6 rugby11 ruggy10 saugh9 scoug8 scugs8 shrug9 skugs10 slugs6 smugs8 snugs6 sough9 speug8 sprug8 spugs8 sugan6 sugar6 sughs9 sugos6 teugh9 thugs9 tough9 trugo6 trugs6 tugra6 ugali6 ugged8 undug7 vouge9 vuggs10 vuggy13 vughs12 vughy15 waugh12 yugas9 uglis6 aerugo7 ajugas14 albugo9 almugs9 anough10 augend8 augers7 aughts10 augite7 augurs7 augury10 august7 avruga10 bedbug12 bedrug10 beluga9 bluggy13 bouged10 bouges9 bouget9 boughs12 bought12 bougie9 brough12 brughs12 bugeye12 buggan10 bugged11 bugger10 buggin10 bugled10 bugler9 bugles9 buglet9 bugong10 bugout9 bugsha12 caught12 chough15 cleugh12 clough12 colugo9 cougan9 cougar9 coughs12 debugs10 deluge8 dorbug10 doughs11 dought11 doughy14 druggy12 dugite8 dugong9 dugout8 enough10 erugos7 eughen10 expugn16 flugel10 fought13 frugal10 fugato10 fugged12 fugies10 fugios10 fugled11 fugles10 fugued11 fugues10 gauged9 gauger8 gauges8 gouged9 gouger8 gouges8 grough11 grugru8 guggle9 guglet8 haughs13 haught13 heughs13 houghs13 hugely13 hugest10 hugged12 hugger11 humbug14 impugn11 jugals14 jugate14 jugful17 jugged16 juggle15 juglet14 jugula14 jugums16 kaughs14 kiaugh14 kluged12 kluges11 kugels11 lanugo7 laughs10 laughy13 loughs10 lugers7 lugged9 lugger8 luggie8 luging8 mauger9 maugre9 mought12 mudbug12 mugful12 muggar10 muggas10 mugged11 muggee10 mugger10 muggle10 muggur10 mughal12 naught10 nougat7 nought10 nuggar8 nugget8 oppugn11 oughly13 oughts10 ougiya10 ouglie7 pleugh12 plough12 pugged11 puggie10 puggle10 puggry13 pugils9

How to use UG in a sentence

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