Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with UG

bug6 dug5 fug7 hug7 jug11 lug4 mug6 nug4 pug6 rug4 sug4 tug4 ugh7 ugs4 vug7 yug7 augh8 bugs7 chug10 drug6 dugs6 euge5 eugh8 frug8 fugs8 fugu8 glug6 guga6 huge8 hugs8 hugy11 juga12 jugs12 luge5 lugs5 mugg8 mugs7 nugs5 plug7 pugh10 pugs7 ruga5 rugs5 scug7 skug9 slug5 smug7 snug5 spug7 sugh8 sugo5 sugs5 thug8 trug5 tugs5 ughs8 ugly8 vugg9 vugh11 vugs8 yuga8 yugs8 ugli5 ajuga13 almug8 auger6 aught9 augur6 bouge8 bough11 brugh11 buggy12 bugle8 chugs11 cough11 debug9 dough10 drugs7 erugo6 eughs9 faugh12 frugs9 fugal9 fuggy13 fugie9 fugio9 fugle9 fugly12 fugue9 fugus9 gauge7 glugs7 gouge7 gugas7 haugh12 heugh12 hough12 huger9 huggy13 jougs13 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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