Tich is valid Scrabble Word

Is tich a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tich valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TICH in dictionary:

Words related to TICH

tiches11 titch10

Words that contain TICH

stich10 tichy13 fetich14 stichs11 tiches11 distich13 fetiche15 mastich14 potiche14 stichic14 stichoi12 stichos12 tichier12 distichs14 fetiches16 mastiche15 mastichs15 pastiche15 postiche15 potiches15 stichera13 tichiest13 tristich13 antichlor14 artichoke18 astichous14 decastich17 distichal15 fetichise17 fetichism19 fetichist17 fetichize26 hemistich19 hexastich24 mastiches16 monostich16 octastich16 pastiches16 postiches16 sticharia14 sticheron14 stichidia15 telestich14 tristichs14 antichlors15 antichoice17 antichrist15 antichurch20 artichokes19 decastichs18 distichous16 fetichised19 fetichises18 fetichisms20 fetichists18 fetichized28 fetichizes27 hemistichs20 heptastich20 hexastichs25 monostichs17 multichain17 octastichs17 parastichy20 pasticheur17 pentastich17 pettichaps19 sticharion15 stichidium18 stichology19 telestichs15 tetrastich15 tristichic17 antichoicer18 antichrists16 fetichising20 fetichistic21 fetichizing29 hemistichal21 heptastichs21 hexastichal26 hexastichic28 hexastichon26 monostichic20 octastichon18 orthostichy22 pasticheurs18 pentastichs18 sticharions16 stichically21 stichometry21 stichomythy27 tetrastichs16 tichorrhine19 tristichous16 multichains18 antichoicers19 antichthones20 distichously21 hexastichons27 monostichous19 Show more ...

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