Teles is valid Scrabble Word

Is teles a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is teles valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TELES in dictionary:

Words related to TELES


Words that contain TELES

steles6 telesm8 teleses7 telesis7 telesms9 bateless10 dateless9 eusteles8 gateless9 hateless11 kanteles12 mateless10 noteless8 riteless8 sateless8 telesale8 teleseme10 teleshop13 telestic10 voteless11 witeless11 casteless11 grateless10 plateless11 stateless9 tasteless9 telesales9 telescope13 telescopy16 telesemes11 teleshops14 telestich14 telestics11 clienteles12 monosteles12 reputeless12 telescoped15 telescopes14 telescopic16 telescreen12 telesmatic14 telestichs15 protosteles13 requiteless20 respiteless13 tastelessly14 telescience15 telescopies15 telescoping16 telescopist15 telescreens13 teleselling12 teleshopped19 telesthesia14 telesthetic16 telesurgery15 dictyosteles18 hatelessness15 telesciences16 telescopical18 telescopists16 telesellings13 teleservices17 teleshopping20 telesmatical16 telesoftware18 telesthesias15 siphonosteles18 statelessness13 tastelessness13 telescopiform22 teleshoppings21 telesoftwares19 telesurgeries14 hatelessnesses17 telescopically23 telesmatically21 statelessnesses15 tastelessnesses15 telestereoscope19

Similar words containing TELE without suffix s

tele4 stele5 telex12 steles6 teledu7 telega7 telesm8 eustele7 gateleg9 kantele11 notelet7 stelene7 telecom11 telecon9 teledus8 telefax17 telegas8 teleman9 telemen9 teleost7 telepic11 teleran7 telergy11 teleses7 telesis7 telesms9 teletex14 telexed15 telexes14 bateless10 bateleur10 batteled11 batteler10 dateless9 eusteles8 gatelegs10 gateless9 hateless11 hosteled12 hosteler11 kanteles12 linteled9 mantelet10 mateless10 noteless8 notelets8 platelet10 riteless8 sateless8 statelet8 telecast10 telechir13 telecine10 telecomm14 telecoms12 telecons10 telecopy15 telefilm13 telegony12 telegram11 telemark14 teleosts8 telepath13 telepics12 teleplay13 teleport10 telerans8 telergic11 telesale8 teleseme10 teleshop13 telestic10 teletext15 telethon11 teletron8 teletype13 teleview14 televise11 telework15 telexing16 voteless11 witeless11 bateleurs11 battelers11 casteless11 clientele11 cotelette11 entelechy17 grateless10 hostelers12 jockteleg23 mantelets11 monostele11 plateless11 platelets11 stateless9 statelets9 tasteless9 telecasts11 telechirs14 telecines11 telecomms15 telefaxed20 telefaxes19 telefilms14 telegenic12 telegonic12 telegrams12 telegraph15 telemarks15 telematic13 telemeter11 telemetry14 teleology13 teleonomy14 teleosaur9 telepaths14 telepathy17 telepheme16 telephone14 telephony17 telephoto14 teleplays14 telepoint11 teleports11 teleprint11 telergies10 telesales9 telescope13 telescopy16 telesemes11 teleshops14 telestich14 telestics11 teletexes16 teletexts16 telethons12 teletrons9 teletyped15 teletypes14 televiews15 televised13 televiser12 televises12 televisor12 teleworks16 telerobot11 ateleioses10 ateleiosis10 clienteles12 cotelettes12 jocktelegs24 monosteles12 protostele12 reputeless12 telebridge14 telecamera14 telecasted13 telecaster12 telechiric17 telecopies14 telecourse12 telefaxing21 telegnoses11 telegnosis11 telegonies11 telegonous11 telegraphs16 telegraphy19 telehealth16 telemarked17 telematics14 telemeters12 telemetric14 teleologic13 teleonomic14 teleosaurs10 teleostean10 teleostome12 telepathed16 telepathic17 telephemes17 telephoned16 telephoner15 telephones15 telephonic17 telephotos15 telepoints12 teleported13 teleprints12 telerecord13 telescoped15 telescopes14 telescopic16 telescreen12 telesmatic14 telestichs15 teletyping16 televerite13 televiewed17 televiewer16 televisers13 televising14 television13 televisors13 televisual13 teleworked18 teleworker17 telewriter13 telemarker16 telenovela13 gatelegged14 teleporter12 telerobots12 atelectases13 atelectasis13 atelectatic15 dictyostele17 entelechies16 protosteles13 requiteless20 respiteless13 tastelessly14 telearchics18 telebanking18 telebridges15 telecameras15 telecasters13 telecasting14 telecommand18 telecommute17 telecontrol13 telecottage14 telecourses13 teleferique23 telegnostic14 telegrammed17 telegrammic18 telegraphed18 telegrapher17 telegraphic19 telehealths17 telekineses15 telekinesis15 telekinetic17 telemarking18 telemeeting14 telemetered14 telemetries13 teleologies12 teleologism14 teleologist12 teleonomies13 teleosteans11 teleostomes13 telepathies16 telepathing17 telepathise16 telepathist16 telepathize25 telephoners16 telephonies16 telephoning17 telephonist16 teleporting14 teleprinted14 teleprinter13 telerecords14 telescience15 telescopies15 telescoping16 telescopist15 telescreens13 teleselling12 teleshopped19 telesthesia14 telesthetic16 telesurgery15 televerites14 televiewers17 televiewing18 televisions14 teleworkers18 teleworking19 telewriters14 telemarkers17 telenovelas14 teleporters13 telemessage14 biotelemetry19 dictyosteles18 dysteleology20 hatelessness15 postelection16 siphonostele17 telebankings19 telecommands19 telecommuted19 telecommuter18 telecommutes18
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