Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain TELES

steles6 telesm8 teleses7 telesis7 telesms9 bateless10 dateless9 eusteles8 gateless9 hateless11 kanteles12 mateless10 noteless8 riteless8 sateless8 telesale8 teleseme10 teleshop13 telestic10 voteless11 witeless11 casteless11 grateless10 plateless11 stateless9 tasteless9 telesales9 telescope13 telescopy16 telesemes11 teleshops14 telestich14 telestics11 clienteles12 monosteles12 reputeless12 telescoped15 telescopes14 telescopic16 telescreen12 telesmatic14 telestichs15 protosteles13 requiteless20 respiteless13 tastelessly14 telescience15 telescopies15 telescoping16 telescopist15 telescreens13 teleselling12 teleshopped19 telesthesia14 telesthetic16 telesurgery15 dictyosteles18 hatelessness15 telesciences16 telescopical18 telescopists16 telesellings13 teleservices17 teleshopping20 telesmatical16 telesoftware18 telesthesias15 siphonosteles18 statelessness13 tastelessness13 telescopiform22 teleshoppings21 telesoftwares19 telesurgeries14 hatelessnesses17 telescopically23 telesmatically21 statelessnesses15 tastelessnesses15 telestereoscope19

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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