Tele is valid Scrabble Word

Is tele a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tele valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TELE in dictionary:

Words related to TELE

teles5 telly8

Words that contain TELE

stele5 teles5 telex12 steles6 teledu7 telega7 telesm8 eustele7 gateleg9 kantele11 notelet7 stelene7 telecom11 telecon9 teledus8 telefax17 telegas8 teleman9 telemen9 teleost7 telepic11 teleran7 telergy11 teleses7 telesis7 telesms9 teletex14 telexed15 telexes14 bateless10 bateleur10 batteled11 batteler10 dateless9 eusteles8 gatelegs10 gateless9 hateless11 hosteled12 hosteler11 kanteles12 linteled9 mantelet10 mateless10 noteless8 notelets8 platelet10 riteless8 sateless8 statelet8 telecast10 telechir13 telecine10 telecomm14 telecoms12 telecons10 telecopy15 telefilm13 telegony12 telegram11 telemark14 teleosts8 telepath13 telepics12 teleplay13 teleport10 telerans8 telergic11 telesale8 teleseme10 teleshop13 telestic10 teletext15 telethon11 teletron8 teletype13 teleview14 televise11 telework15 telexing16 voteless11 witeless11 bateleurs11 battelers11 casteless11 clientele11 cotelette11 entelechy17 grateless10 hostelers12 jockteleg23 mantelets11 monostele11 plateless11 platelets11 stateless9 statelets9 tasteless9 telecasts11 telechirs14 telecines11 Show more ...
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