Tel is valid Scrabble Word

Is tel a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tel valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TEL in dictionary:

Words related to TEL

tell4 tels4

Words that contain TEL

tela4 teld5 tele4 tell4 tels4 telt4 artel5 betel7 botel7 hotel8 intel5 motel7 ratel5 stela5 stele5 stell5 telae5 telco7 teles5 telex12 telia5 telic7 tells5 telly8 teloi5 telos5 artels6 astely9 atelic8 battel8 betels8 boatel8 botels8 cartel8 cautel8 cutely11 dentel7 dottel7 flotel9 hostel9 hotels9 intels6 kittel10 lately9 lintel6 listel6 mantel8 martel8 motels8 mutely11 pastel8 puteli8 ratels6 retell6 stelae6 stelai6 stelar6 steles6 stelic8 stella6 stells6 telary9 telcos8 teledu7 telega7 telesm8 telfer9 telial6 telium8 tellar6 tellen6 teller6 tellin6 tellus6 tellys9 telnet6 telome8 telson6 titely9 wastel9 pentel8 rotely9 arteli6 acutely12 astelic9 atelier7 battels9 boatels9 brutely12 cartels9 catelog10 cautels9 chattel12 dentels8 dottels8 eustele7 floatel10 flotels10 gateleg9 hartely13 hostels10 Show more ...

How to use TEL in a sentence

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