Tared is valid Scrabble Word

Is tared a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tared valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TARED in dictionary:

Words related to TARED

tare4 tares5 taring7

Words that contain TARED

stared7 mortared11 nectared11 upstared11 outstared10 overstared14

How to use TARED in a sentence

Similar words containing TAR without suffix ed

tar3 star4 tara4 tare4 tarn4 taro4 tarp6 tars4 tart4 altar5 antar5 attar5 iftar8 otary8 ottar5 petar7 sitar5 stare5 stark9 starn5 starr5 stars5 start5 taras5 tardo6 tardy9 tares5 targa6 targe6 tarns5 taroc7 tarok9 taros5 tarot5 tarps7 tarre5 tarry8 tarsi5 tarts5 tarty8 tatar5 tarte5 altars6 antara6 antars6 astare6 astart6 attars6 avatar9 batard9 bestar8 cantar8 costar8 cottar8 daftar10 datary10 dotard8 guitar7 iftars9 instar6 kantar10 kotare10 mortar8 nectar8 notary9 otarid7 ottars6 petara8 petard9 petars8 petary11 pitara8 qintar15 retard7 ritard7 rotary9 satara6 sitars6 sittar6 soutar6 starch11 stared7 starer6 stares6 starks10 starns6 starrs6 starry9 starts6 starve9 tarama8 tarand7 tarboy11 tarcel8 targas7 targed8 targes7 target7 tariff12 taring7 tarmac10 tarnal6 tarocs8 taroks10 tarots6 tarpan8 tarpon8 tarras6 tarred7 tarres6 tarrow9 tarsal6 tarsel6 tarsia6 tarsus6 tartan6 tartar6 tarted7 tarter6 tartly9 tarzan15 tatars6 totara6 votary12 tariqa15 mattar8 antaras7 astarts7 ataraxy17 autarch12 autarky14 avatars10 bastard10 batards10 bestars9 botargo10 bustard10 cantars9 catarrh12 centare9 costard10 costars9 cottars9 custard10 daftars11 dastard9 dataria8 daystar11 dentary11 dietary11 dotards9 fenitar10 guitars8 haftara13 hectare12 hektare14 instars7 kantars11 kotares11 lactary12 laetare7 leotard8 militar9 mooktar13 mortars9 mortary12 mukhtar16 mustard10 nectars9 nectary12 otaries7 otarine7 peatary12 petaras9 petards10 pitarah12 pitaras9 plantar9 ptarmic13 qintars16 quintar16 restart7 retards8 ritards8 sataras7 sectary12 semitar9 simitar9 sittars7 sliotar7 soutars7 starchy15 stardom10 starers7 starets7 staretz16 staring8 starked12 starken11 starker11 starkly14 starlet7 starlit7 starned8 starnie7 starred8 started8 starter7 startle7 startly10 startsy10 startup9 starved11 starver10 starves10 sunstar7 symitar12 tantara7 taraire7 taramas9 taramea9 tarands8 tarboys12 tarbush12 tarcels9 tardied9 tardier8 tardies8 tardily11 tardive11 tardyon11 targets8 targing9 tariffs13 tarings8 tarmacs11 tarnish10 tarpans9 tarpons9 tarried8 tarrier7 tarries7 tarring8 tarrock13 tarrows10 tarsals7 tarseal7 tarsels7 tarsias7 tarsier7 tartana7 tartane7 tartans7 tartare7 tartars7 tartest7 tartier7 tartily10 tartine7 tarting8 tartish10 tartlet7 tartufe10 tartufi10 tartufo10 tarweed11 tarzans16 totaras7 tuatara7 unitard8 unitary10 upstare9 upstart9 coaltar9 mattars9 altarage9 astarted9 ataraxia15 ataraxic17 autarchs13 autarchy16 autarkic14 bastards11 bastardy14 botargos11 bottarga11 bustards11 cataract12 catarrhs13 cavitary16 cemitare12 centares10 cometary15 costards11 custards11 custardy14 dastards10 dastardy13 datarias9 dataries9
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