Swords is valid Scrabble Word

Is swords a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is swords valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SWORDS in dictionary:

Words related to SWORDS


Words that contain SWORDS

miswords14 cusswords15 passwords15 swordsman15 swordsmen15 backswords22 crosswords16 swordstick20 broadswords18 shortswords18 smallswords17 swordsticks21 swordswoman20 swordswomen20 silverswords19 backswordsman27 backswordsmen27 swordsmanship24 swordsmanships25

How to use SWORDS in a sentence

Similar words containing SWORD without suffix s

sword9 misword13 sworded12 sworder11 cussword14 miswords14 password14 sworders12 swording13 swordman14 swordmen14 backsword21 crossword15 cusswords15 misworded16 passwords15 swordbill15 swordfish19 swordless13 swordlike17 swordplay18 swordsman15 swordsmen15 swordtail13 swordfern16 backswords22 broadsword17 crosswords16 miswording17 shortsword17 smallsword16 swordbills16 swordcraft19 swordplays19 swordproof19 swordstick20 swordtails14 swordferns17 broadswords18 miswordings18 shortswords18 smallswords17 swordbearer17 swordcrafts20 swordfishes21 swordplayer20 swordsticks21 swordswoman20 swordswomen20 silversword18 backswordman26 backswordmen26 swordbearers18 swordplayers21 silverswords19 backswordsman27 backswordsmen27 swordsmanship24 swordsmanships25
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