Stun is valid Scrabble Word

Is stun a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is stun valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STUN in dictionary:

Words related to STUN

dozen15 stonn5 stonne6 stoun5 stunned8 stunning9 stunningly14 stunnings10 stuns5

Words that contain STUN

astun5 stung6 stunk9 stuns5 stunt5 astuns6 stunts6 distune8 mistune9 stunned8 stunner7 stunted8 unstung8 astunned9 beestung11 distuned10 distunes9 mistuned11 mistunes10 outstunt8 stunkard13 stunners8 stunning9 stunsail8 stunting9 stuntman10 stuntmen10 astunning10 distuning11 mistuning12 orestunck15 outstunts9 overstunk16 stunnings10 stunsails9 outstunted11 stunningly14 stuntwoman15 stuntwomen15 outstunting12 stuntedness12 stuntpeople15 stuntperson13 stuntpersons14 stuntednesses14

How to use STUN in a sentence

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