Ser is valid Scrabble Word

Is ser a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ser valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SER in dictionary:

Words related to SER


Words that contain SER

sera4 sere4 serf7 serk8 serr4 sers4 user4 baser7 doser6 easer5 hoser8 laser5 loser5 luser5 maser7 miser7 muser7 noser5 poser7 raser5 riser5 saser5 serac7 serai5 seral5 sered6 serer5 seres5 serfs8 serge6 seric7 serif8 serin5 serks9 seron5 serow8 serra5 serre5 serrs5 serry8 serum7 serve8 servo8 taser5 users5 wiser8 abaser8 abuser8 amuser8 assert6 basser8 bitser8 bosser8 bowser11 busera8 casern8 causer8 censer8 cesser8 chaser11 closer8 cooser8 curser8 cusser8 denser7 desert7 dorser7 dosers7 dosser7 douser7 dowser10 easers6 enserf9 eraser6 exsert13 falser9 flaser9 fusser9 gasser7 geyser10 groser7 guiser7 gutser7 halser9 hawser12 hisser9 hosers9 houser9 insert6 josser13 kaiser10 kisser10 lapser8 lasers6 leaser6 lesser6 looser6 losers6 louser6 lowser9 lusers6 Show more ...

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