Sedent is valid Scrabble Word

Is sedent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sedent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SEDENT in dictionary:

Words related to SEDENT


Words that contain SEDENT

sedentary13 sedentarily15 sedentariness14 semisedentary19 sedentarinesses16

How to use SEDENT in a sentence

Similar words containing SED without suffix ent

sed4 used5 arsed6 based8 bused8 cased8 cosed8 dosed7 eased6 fused9 hosed9 lased6 losed6 lysed9 mased8 mosed8 mused8 nosed6 posed8 rased6 rosed6 sedan6 seder6 sedes6 sedge7 sedgy10 sedum8 sused6 tased6 tosed6 vised9 wised9 abased9 abused9 amused9 avised10 axised14 bassed9 biased9 birsed9 boosed9 bossed9 boused9 bowsed12 bussed9 caused9 ceased9 censed9 cessed9 chased12 chused12 closed9 copsed11 cursed9 cussed9 dissed8 dossed8 doused8 dowsed11 erased7 falsed10 farsed10 feased10 feesed10 fessed10 fossed10 fussed10 gassed8 gessed8 goosed8 gossed8 grised8 guised8 gutsed8 halsed10 haused10 hawsed13 hersed10 hissed10 hoised10 horsed10 housed10 irised7 jessed14 kissed11 krised11 lapsed9 leased7 lensed7 loosed7 loused7 lowsed10 massed9 meased9 mensed9 messed9 meused9 mewsed12 missed9 mossed9 moused9 mussed9 neesed7 newsed10 noised7 noosed7 nursed7 parsed9 passed9 paused9 peased9 peised9 peysed12 phased12 phesed12 physed15 pissed9 plused9 poised9 possed9 poysed12 prised9 prosed9 prysed12 pulsed9 pursed9 raised7 reseda7 reused7 rinsed7 roosed7 roused7 sassed7 scused9 seased7 sedans7 sedate7 seders7 sedged9 sedges8 sedile7 seduce9 sedums9 seised7 sensed7 sessed7 sossed7 soused7 sowsed10 sudsed8 sussed7 tawsed10 teased7 temsed9 tensed7 tossed7 toused7 towsed10 tutsed7 unused7 valsed10 versed10 weised10 wissed10 worsed10 yessed10 accused12 advised12 agnised9 agrised9 aguised9 aliased8 amassed10 apposed12 araised8 araysed11 aroused8 arrased8 avulsed11 ballsed10 bemused12 biassed10 blessed10 blissed10 bloused10 blowsed13 bonused10 braised10 brassed10 browsed13 bruised10 chassed13 cheesed13 chinsed13 choused13 chowsed16 classed10 corpsed12 cotised10 coursed10 creased10 creesed10 crossed10 cruised10 debased11 debused11 defused12 demised11 deposed11 devised12 disedge10 disused9 dorised9 dressed9 drowsed12 eclosed10 effused14 elapsed10 embased12 embused12 emersed10 encased10 evulsed11 excised17 excused17 exposed17 flensed11 flossed11 floused11 focused13 fraised11 fucused13 ghessed12 glassed9 glossed9 gorsedd10 grassed9 greased9 grossed9 groused9 guessed9 hearsed11 hocused13 imbased12 imposed12 incased10 incised10 incused10 infused11 iodised9 ionised8 jaunsed15 jonesed15 kreesed12 laipsed10 liaised8 misedit10 misused10 moussed10 mulesed10 opposed12 osmosed10 perused10 pheesed13 phrased13 physeds16 pleased10 plussed10 praised10 preased10 pressed10 prissed10 rebased10 recused10 refused11 remised10 reposed10 resedas8 revised11 scorsed10 sedarim10 sedated9 sedater8 sedates8 sedgier9 sedilia8 seduced11 seducer10 seduces10 smoused10 sowssed11 spersed10 spoused10 tootsed8 trapsed10 tressed8 trussed8 unbased10 uncased10 unfused11
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