Scoping is valid Scrabble Word

Is scoping a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is scoping valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SCOPING in dictionary:

Words related to SCOPING

scope9 scoped11 scopes10

Words that contain SCOPING

kinescoping20 rotoscoping16 telescoping16 fluoroscoping21

Similar words containing SCOP without suffix ing

scop8 scopa9 scope9 scops9 scopae10 scopas10 scoped11 scopes10 miscopy16 scopate11 scopula11 bioscope14 bioscopy17 diascope13 episcope14 episcopy17 iriscope12 myoscope17 otoscope12 otoscopy15 scopelid13 scopulae12 scopulas12 uroscopy15 zooscopy24 aeroscope13 auriscope13 autoscopy16 baroscope15 bioscopes15 borescope15 cryoscope18 cryoscopy21 diascopes14 endoscope14 endoscopy17 engyscope17 episcopal15 episcopes15 escopette13 fetoscope16 fetoscopy19 gyroscope17 hodoscope17 horoscope16 horoscopy19 iriscopes13 kinescope17 koniscope17 manoscopy18 megascope16 miscopied16 miscopies15 mutoscope15 myoscopes18 otoscopes13 otoscopic15 ouroscopy16 periscope15 poroscope15 poroscopy18 pyroscope18 rotoscope13 scopelids14 scopeloid14 scopoline13 scopulate13 skiascope17 skiascopy20 somascope15 telescope13 telescopy16 uroscopic15 vitascope16 zooscopic24 engiscope14 rheoscope16 aeroscopes14 anemoscope16 auriscopes14 auriscopic16 autoscopic16 baroscopes16 baroscopic18 bioscopies16 borescopes16 colposcope18 colposcopy21 cryoscopes19 cryoscopic21 cystoscope19 cystoscopy22 discophile18 endoscopes15 endoscopic17 engyscopes18 episcopacy21 episcopant16 episcopate16 episcopies16 episcopise16 episcopize25 escopettes14 fetoscopes17 fiberscope19 fibrescope19 foetoscopy20 gonioscope15 gyroscopes18 gyroscopic20 hagioscope18 helioscope17 hieroscopy20 hodoscopes18 horoscopes17 horoscopic19 hydroscope21 hygroscope21 iconoscope16 kinescoped19 kinescopes18 koniscopes18 lactoscope16 megascopes17 megascopic19 microscope18 microscopy21 miscopying20 mutoscopes16 myrioscope19 necroscopy19 nephoscope19 nightscope18 orthoscope17 otoscopies14 pantoscope16 periscopes16 periscopic18 phonoscope19 poroscopes16 poroscopic18 pyroscopes19 radarscope15 radioscope15 radioscopy18 rhinoscope17 rhinoscopy20 rotoscoped15 rotoscopes14 scopeloids15 scopolines14 skiascopes18 somascopes16 statoscope14 teinoscope14 telescoped15 telescopes14 telescopic16 triniscope14 urinoscopy17 uroscopies14 uroscopist14 vitascopes17 zooscopies23 engiscopes15 rheoscopes17 anemoscopes17 arthroscope18 arthroscopy21 autoscopies15 benthoscope20 chromoscope22 chronoscope20 coelioscopy20 colonoscope17 colonoscopy20 colposcopes19 cranioscopy20 cryoscopies20 cystoscopes20 cystoscopic22 dichroscope21 discophiles19 discophoran19 endoscopies16 endoscopist16 epidiascope18 episcopally20 episcopants17 episcopated18 episcopates17 episcopised18 episcopises17 episcopized27 episcopizes26 fetoscopies18 fiberscopes20 fibrescopes20 fluoroscope18 fluoroscopy21 gastroscope16 gastroscopy19 gonioscopes16 gyroscopics21 hagioscopes19 hagioscopic21 helioscopes18 helioscopic20 hepatoscopy23 horoscopies18 horoscopist18 hydroscopes22 hydroscopic24 hygroscopes22 hygroscopic24 iconoscopes17 kinescoping20 kinetoscope19 lactoscopes17 laparoscope17 laparoscopy20 lychnoscope23 macroscopic21 manoscopies17 metoposcopy22 microscopes19 microscopic21 myrioscopes20 necroscopic19 nephoscopes20 nephroscope20 nephroscopy23 nightscopes19 oneiroscopy18 opeidoscope18 orthoscopes18 orthoscopic20 ouroscopies15 pantoscopes17 pantoscopic19 phonoscopes20 polariscope17 poroscopies17 proctoscope19 proctoscopy22 pseudoscope18 radarscopes16 radioscopes16 radioscopic18 retinoscope15 retinoscopy18 rhinoscopes18 rhinoscopic20 rotoscoping16 scopolamine17 scopophilia20 scopophilic22 scopophobia22 seismoscope17 skiascopies19 sniperscope17 statoscopes15 stauroscope15 stereoscope15 stereoscopy18 stethoscope18 stethoscopy21 stroboscope17 teinoscopes15 telescopies15 telescoping16 telescopist15 thermoscope20 triniscopes15 uroscopists15 vectorscope20 aethrioscope19 arthroscopes19 arthroscopic21 benthoscopes21 bronchoscope23 bronchoscopy26 chromoscopes23 chronoscopes21 chronoscopic23 colonoscopes18 colposcopies20 cystoscopies21 dactyloscopy25 deuteroscopy20 dichroiscope22 dichrooscope22 dichroscopes22 dichroscopic24 discophorans20 discophorous20 ebullioscope18 ebullioscopy21 electroscope18 endoscopists17
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