Sar is valid Scrabble Word

Is sar a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sar valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SAR in dictionary:

Words related to SAR

sared6 saring7 sars4

Words that contain SAR

asar4 ksar8 osar4 sard5 sari4 sark8 sars4 tsar4 kesar9 ksars9 musar7 saran5 sards6 sared6 saree5 sarge6 sargo6 sarin5 saris5 sarks9 sarky12 sarod6 saros5 sarus5 tasar5 tsars5 sarvo8 asarum8 assart6 bursar8 caesar8 disarm9 hassar9 hussar9 keasar10 kesars10 musars8 nasard7 pulsar8 quasar15 rosary9 sansar6 sarans6 sarape8 sardar7 sardel7 sarees6 sarges7 sargos7 sargus7 saring7 sarins6 sarmie8 sarney9 sarnie6 sarode7 sarods7 sarong7 sarsar6 sarsen6 sartor6 tasars6 tussar6 visard10 wisard10 apsaras9 asarums9 assarts7 bursars9 bursary12 caesars9 csardas10 disarms10 fusaria10 fusarol10 gisarme10 guisard9 hassars10 hussars10 keasars11 mansard10 mesarch14 nasards8 pessary12 pulsars9 quasars16 rosaria7 samsara9 sansars7 sarafan10 sarangi8 sarapes9 sarcasm11 sarcina9 sarcode10 sarcoid10 sarcoma11 sarcous9 sardana8 sardars8 sardels8 Show more ...

How to use SAR in a sentence

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