Roted is valid Scrabble Word

Is roted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is roted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ROTED in dictionary:

Words related to ROTED


Words that contain ROTED

garoted9 garroted10 parroted11

How to use ROTED in a sentence

Similar words containing ROT without suffix ed

rot3 grot5 rota4 rote4 roti4 rotl4 roto4 rots4 trot4 vrot7 broth10 froth11 grots6 lirot5 proto7 rotal5 rotan5 rotas5 rotch10 rotes5 rotis5 rotls5 roton5 rotor5 rotos5 rotte5 tarot5 torot5 troth8 trots5 wrote8 wroth11 agorot7 brotha11 broths11 brothy14 carrot8 crotal8 crotch13 croton8 erotic8 froths12 frothy15 garote7 garrot7 grotto7 grotty10 gutrot7 liroth9 parrot8 protea8 protei8 proton8 protyl11 rotans6 rotary9 rotate6 rotche11 rotgut7 rother9 roting7 rotini6 rotolo6 rotons6 rotors6 rottan6 rotted7 rotten6 rotter6 rottes6 rotula6 rotund7 scrota8 scrote8 tarots6 toroth9 troths9 trotyl9 zeroth18 rotely9 rotoli6 acroter9 acrotic11 agoroth11 aprotic11 betroth12 brothas12 brothel12 brother12 carotid10 carotin9 carrots9 carroty12 cerotic11 cowrote12 crotala9 crotale9 crotals9 crotons9 crottle9 dogtrot9 erotema9 eroteme9 erotica9 erotics9 erotise7 erotism9 erotize16 foxtrot17 frothed14 frother13 garoted9 garotes8 garotte8 garrote8 garrots8 grottos8 gutrots8 hoofrot13 jogtrot15 linkrot11 orotund8 outtrot7 parotic11 parotid10 parotis9 parrots9 parroty12 pierrot9 protean9 proteas9 protect11 protege10 proteid10 protein9 protend10 protest9 proteus9 prothyl15 protist9 protium11 protons9 protore9 protyle12 protyls12 rewrote10 rotated8 rotates7 rotator7 rotches12 rotchie12 rotguts8 rothers10 rotifer10 rotinis7 rotolos7 rottans7 rottens7 rotters7 rotting8 rotulae7 rotulas7 rotunda8 rotunds8 scrotal9 scrotes9 scrotum11 trothed11 trotted8 trotter7 trotyls10 unwrote10 xerotes14 xerotic16 footrot10 acroters10 acrotism12 aegrotat9 aerotone8 betroths13 birrotch15 brothels13 brothers13 brothier13 carotene10 carotids11 carotins10 carrotin10 cerotype15 corotate10 crotales10 crotalum12 crotched16 crotches15 crotchet15 crotonic12 crottles10 dicrotal11 dicrotic13 diprotic13 dogtrots10 erotemas10 erotemes10 eroteses8 erotesis8 erotetic10 erotical10 eroticas10 erotised9 erotises8 erotisms10 erotized18 erotizes17 fibrotic15 foxtrots18 frothers14 frothery17 frothier14 frothily17 frothing15 frottage12 frotteur11 garoting10 garotted10 garotter9 garottes9 garroted10 garroter9 garrotes9 garrotte9 grottier9 grottoed10 grottoes9 haftarot14 haftorot14 hidrotic14 hoofrots14 jogtrots16 leprotic12 linkrots12 miswrote13 necrotic12 neurotic10 outtrots8 outwrote11 parotids11 parotoid11 parroted11 parroter10 parrotry13 pierrots10 protamin12 protases10 protasis10 protatic12 proteans10 protease10 protects12 protegee11 proteges11 proteide11 proteids11 proteins10 protends11 protense10 proteome12 proteose10 protests10 prothyls16 protists10 protiums12 protocol12 protonic12 protopod13 protores10 protoxid18 protozoa19 protract12 protrade11 protrude11 proturan10 protyles13 rotaries8 rotating9 rotation8 rotative11 rotators8 rotatory11 rotavate11 rotchies13 rotenone8 rotgrass9 rotifers11 rotiform13 rototill8 rotovate11 rotproof13 rottener8 rottenly11 rotundas9
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