Rem is valid Scrabble Word

Is rem a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rem valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REM in dictionary:

Words related to REM


Words that contain REM

crem8 prem8 rems6 trem6 breme9 creme9 crems9 fremd11 harem10 prems9 premy12 reman7 remap9 remen7 remet7 remex14 remit7 remix14 trema7 trems7 bireme10 careme10 cremes10 cremor10 eremic10 fremds12 fremit11 gremmy14 harems11 preman10 premed11 premen10 premia10 premie10 premix17 remade9 remail8 remain8 remake12 remand9 remans8 remaps10 remark12 remate8 remble10 remead9 remede9 remedy12 remeet8 remeid9 remelt8 remend9 remens8 remind9 remint8 remise8 remiss8 remits8 remixt15 remold9 remora8 remote8 remoud9 remove11 remuda9 spirem10 tremas8 tremie8 tremor8 uremia8 uremic10 biremes11 byreman14 byremen14 caremes11 coremia11 cremant11 cremate11 cremini11 cremona11 cremors11 cremsin11 dirempt12 eremite9 eremuri9 extrema16 extreme16 fireman12 firemen12 foreman12 foremen12 fremits12 gremial10 gremlin10 gremmie12 kremlin13 maremma13 maremme13 premade12 premeal11 premeds12 premeet11 premier11 premies11 premise11 premiss11 premium13 premixt18 premold12 premolt11 premove14 premune11 remades10 remails9 remains9 remaker13 remakes13 remands10 remanet9 remanie9 remarks13 remarry12 rematch14 remated10 remates9 remblai11 rembled12 rembles11 remeads10 remeded11 remedes10 remeets9 remeids10 remelts9 remends10 remercy14 remerge10 remiges10 reminds10 remints9 remised10 remises9 remixed17 remixer16 remixes16 remnant9 remodel10 remolds10 remoras9 remorid10 remorse9 remoter9 remotes9 remould10 remount9 removal12 removed13 remover12 removes12 remuage10 remudas10 remueur9 reremai9 spireme11 spirems11 suprema11 supreme11 supremo11 theorem12 tremble11 trembly14 tremies9 tremolo9 tremors9 trireme9 uremias9 viremia12 viremic14 wireman12 wiremen12 premake15 agremens11 agrement11 atremble12 cerement12 ceremony15 choreman15 choremen15 copremia14 copremic16 coremium14 cremains12 cremated13 cremates12 cremator12 creminis12 cremonas12 cremorne12 cremosin12 diatreme11 dirempts13 entremes10 eremital10 eremites10 eremitic12 eremurus10 extremal17 extremer17 extremes17 extremum19 firemark17 foremast13 foremean13 foremilk17 foremost13 fremitus13 gremials11 gremlins11 gremmies13 haeremai13 hydremia17 jeremiad18 kremlins14 maremmas14 millirem12 outremer10 premedic15 premiere12 premiers12 premised13 premises12 premiums14 premixed20 premixes19 premolar12 premolds13 premoral12 premorse12 premotor12 premould13 premoult12 premoved16 premoves15 remailed11 remailer10 remained11 remakers14 remaking15 remanded12 remanent10 remanets10 remanies10 remanned11 remapped15 remarked15 remarker14 remarket14 remarque19 remaster10 remating11 remblais12 rembling13 remeaded12 remedial11 remediat11 remedied12 remedies11 remeding12 remeided12 remelted11 remember14 remended12 remerged12 remerges11 remigate11 remigial11 reminded12 reminder11 reminted11 remising11 remissly13 remittal10 remitted11 remittee10 remitter10 remittor10 remixers17 remixing18 remnants10 remodels11 remodify17 remolade11 remolded12 remorses10 remotely13 remotest10 remotion10 remoulds11 remounts10 removals13

How to use REM in a sentence

  • Nunc cuius iussu venio et quam ob rem venerim dicam simulque ipse eloquar nomen meum.
  • Ad quam rem, nostram firmat fidem calix aquae frigidae, qui, juxta Evangelicum verbum, suo pollet munere.
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