Proto is valid Scrabble Word

Is proto a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is proto valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for PROTO in dictionary:

Words that contain PROTO

proton8 protons9 protore9 protocol12 protonic12 protopod13 protores10 protoxid18 protozoa19 protoavis14 protocols13 protoderm14 protogine12 protogyny18 protonate11 protonema13 protopods14 protostar11 prototype16 protoxide19 protoxids19 protozoal20 protozoan20 protozoic22 protozoon20 antiproton12 diprotodon14 protocoled15 protocolic16 protoctist14 protoderms15 protogenic15 protogines13 protohuman17 protonated13 protonates12 protonemal14 protopathy20 protophyte20 protoplasm16 protoplast14 protostars12 protostele12 protostome14 prototroph17 prototypal17 prototyped18 prototypes17 prototypic19 protoxides20 protoxylem24 protozoans21 protozoons21 antiprotons13 diprotodons15 diprotodont15 protoavises16 protococcal19 protocoling16 protocolise15 protocolist15 protocolize24 protocolled16 protoctists15 protogalaxy24 protogynies17 protogynous17 protohumans18 protolithic18 protomartyr18 protonating14 protonation13 protonemata15 protonotary16 protopathic20 protophilic20 protophloem20 protophytes21 protophytic23 protoplanet15 protoplasms17 protoplasts15 protosteles13 protostelic15 protostomes15 prototrophs18 prototrophy21 prototyping19 protoxylems25 diprotodonts16 protocolised17 protocolises16 protocolists16 protocolized26 protocolizes25 protocolling17 protohistory20 protomartyrs19 protomorphic23 protonations14 protonematal16 protopathies19 protophloems21 protoplanets16 protoplasmal18 protoplasmic20 protoplastic18 prototherian17 prototrophic21 prototypical21 protozoology27 diprotodontid18 polyprotodont21 protoactinium19 protochordate21 protocolising18 protocolizing27 protogalaxies23 protohistoric20 protolanguage17 protonotarial15 protonotariat15 protonotaries15 protospataire17 prototherians18 prototrophies20 protoceratops19 diprotodontids19 polyprotodonts22 protoactiniums20 protochordates22 protohistorian19 protohistories19 protolanguages18 protonotariats16 protoplanetary21 protoplasmatic22 protoporphyrin26 protospataires18 protospathaire21 prototypically26 protozoologies26 protozoologist26 protohistorians20 protoporphyrins27 protospathaires22 protospatharius22 protozoological29 protozoologists27 protoceratopses21

How to use PROTO in a sentence

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