Prevalent is valid Scrabble Word

Is prevalent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is prevalent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PREVALENT in dictionary:

Words related to PREVALENT

prevalence17 prevalently19 prevalents15

Words that contain PREVALENT

prevalents15 prevalently19 prevalentness18 prevalentnesses20

How to use PREVALENT in a sentence

Similar words containing VAL without suffix ent and without prefix pre

aval7 oval7 vale7 vali7 arval8 avale8 kaval12 naval8 nival8 orval8 ovals8 rival8 vales8 valet8 valid9 valis8 valor8 valse8 value8 valve11 laval8 avaled10 avales9 cheval14 coeval11 devall10 kavals13 larval9 nerval9 ogival10 orvals9 ovally12 rivals9 serval9 valeta9 valete9 valets9 valgus10 valine9 valise9 valium11 valkyr16 vallar9 valley12 vallum11 valors9 valour9 valsed10 valses9 valued10 valuer9 values9 valuta9 valval12 valvar12 valved13 valves12 vulval12 arrival10 avaling11 bivalve15 cavalla12 cavally15 cavalry15 coaeval12 coevals12 corival12 datival11 devalls11 devalue11 estival10 invalid11 navally13 novalia10 octaval12 ovality13 removal12 revalue10 revival13 rivaled11 rivalry13 salival10 servals10 suboval12 upvalue12 valance12 valence12 valency15 valeric12 valetas10 valeted11 valetes10 valgoid12 valgous11 valiant10 valider11 validly14 valines10 valises10 valkyrs17 Show more ...
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