Polyp is valid Scrabble Word

Is polyp a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is polyp valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for POLYP in dictionary:

Words related to POLYP

polype13 polypoid16 polypous15 polyps13 polypus14

Words that contain POLYP

polype13 polypi13 polyps13 polyped15 polypes14 polypod15 polypus14 polypary18 polypeds16 polyphon18 polypide16 polypill15 polypine15 polypite15 polypnea15 polypods16 polypody19 polypoid16 polypore15 polypous15 polyparia16 polyphagy23 polyphase19 polyphone19 polyphons19 polyphony22 polypides17 polypidom19 polypills16 polypites16 polyploid17 polypneas16 polypneic18 polypores16 polyposes16 polyposis16 polyptych24 polypuses16 hydropolyp24 polyparies17 polyparium19 polyphagia21 polyphasic22 polyphenol20 polyphones20 polyphonic22 polypidoms20 polyploids18 polyploidy21 polypodies18 polypodous18 polyptychs25 polyphonal20 hydropolyps25 polypeptide21 polyphagias22 polyphagies22 polyphagous22 polyphenols21 polyphonies21 polyphonist21 polyphonous21 polyploidal19 polyploidic21 polypropene20 polypeptides22 polypeptidic24 polypetalous19 polypharmacy29 polyphenolic24 polyphonists22 polyphyletic27 polyphyllous25 polyphyodont26 polyploidies20 polypropenes21 allopolyploid21 autopolyploid21 endopolyploid22 polyphloisbic27 polyphonously26 polypropylene25 polyprotodont21 allopolyploids22 allopolyploidy25 autopolyploids22 autopolyploidy25 endopolyploidy26 polypharmacies28 polyphonically29 polyphosphoric31 polypropylenes26 polyprotodonts22 polyphloesboean27 autopolyploidie23 polyphyleticall30 allopolyploidie23 endopolyploidie24 polyphiloprogen28 allopolyploidies24 autopolyploidies24 polyphyletically34 endopolyploidies25 polyphiloprogenitive36

How to use POLYP in a sentence

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