Phat is valid Scrabble Word

Is phat a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is phat valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PHAT in dictionary:

Words related to PHAT

phatter12 phattest13 terrific13

Words that contain PHAT

phatic13 phatter12 emphatic17 phattest13 scyphate18 sulphate13 aliphatic16 alphatest14 apophatic18 caliphate16 emphatics18 kaliphate18 lymphatic21 phosphate19 sulphated15 sulphates14 sulphatic16 alphatests15 bisulphate17 caliphates17 disulphate16 emphatical19 kaliphates19 lymphatics22 phatically20 phosphated21 phosphates20 phosphatic22 sulphatase15 sulphating16 sulphation15 unemphatic19 alphatested17 bisulphates18 diphosphate22 disulphates17 nonemphatic20 persulphate18 phosphatase21 phosphatide22 phosphating22 phosphatise21 phosphatize30 sulphatases16 sulphations16 alphatesting18 diphosphates23 emphatically24 hyposulphate25 nonphosphate22 overemphatic24 persulphates19 phosphatases22 phosphatides23 phosphatidic25 phosphatidyl26 phosphatised23 phosphatises22 phosphatized32 phosphatizes31 phosphaturia22 phosphaturic24 pyrosulphate22 thiosulphate20 triphosphate22 endolymphatic26 hydrosulphate25 hypophosphate31 hyposulphates26 lymphatically28 metaphosphate25 monophosphate25 phosphatidyls27 phosphatising24 phosphatizing33 phosphaturias23 pyrophosphate28 pyrosulphates23 thiosulphates21 triphosphates23 nonphosphates23 cycloaliphatic28 emphaticalness23 hydrosulphates26 hypophosphates32 metaphosphates26 monophosphates26 orthophosphate27 pyrophosphates29 sulphathiazole31 superphosphate26 unemphatically26 organophosphate26 orthophosphates28 phosphatisation25 phosphatization34 sulphathiazoles32 superphosphates27 dextrophosphate33 fluorophosphate28 phosphatidyleth32 phosphatidylcho34 organophosphates27 phosphatizations35 phosphatidylcholine38 phosphatidylcholines39 phosphatidylethanolamine43 phosphatidylethanolamines44

How to use PHAT in a sentence

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