Para is valid Scrabble Word

Is para a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is para valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PARA in dictionary:

Words related to PARA

parae7 paras7 paratrooper15

Words that contain PARA

parae7 paras7 parade9 parage9 paramo10 parang9 paraph13 apparat11 mampara13 ovipara12 paraben11 parable11 paracme13 paraded11 parader10 parades10 parador10 parados10 paradox17 parafle12 parages10 paragon10 paramos11 parangs10 paranym14 parapet11 paraphs14 parasol9 paratha12 parazoa18 apparats12 mamparas14 parabema14 parabens12 parabled13 parables12 parabola12 parabole12 parachor15 paracmes14 paraders11 paradigm14 parading12 paradise11 paradors11 paradoxy21 paradrop13 paraffin16 paraffle16 parafles13 parafoil13 paraform15 paragoge12 paragons11 paragram13 parakeet14 parakite14 parallax17 parallel10 paralogy14 paralyse13 paralyze22 parament12 paramese12 paramour12 paranete10 paranoea10 paranoia10 paranoic12 paranoid11 paranyms15 parapara12 parapets12 paraphed16 paraquat19 paraquet19 parasail10 parasang11 parashah16 parashot13 parasite10 parasols10 parathas13 paravail13 paravane13 paravant13 parawing14 paraxial17 parazoan19 parazoon19 separata10 separate10 sparable12 sparaxis17 vivipara16 apparatus13 asparagus12 disparage13 disparate12 multipara13 nullipara11 Show more ...

How to use PARA in a sentence

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