Paraxial is valid Scrabble Word

Is paraxial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is paraxial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PARAXIAL in dictionary:

Similar words containing XI without suffix al and without prefix para

xi9 xis10 axil11 axis11 dixi12 exit11 ixia11 maxi13 oxic13 oxid12 oxim13 taxi11 auxin12 axial12 axile12 axils12 axing13 axiom14 axion12 axite12 coxib16 dexie13 dixie13 dixit13 doxie13 exies12 exile12 exine12 exing13 exist12 exits12 fixit15 foxie15 ixias12 jaxie19 lexis12 maxim16 maxis14 moxie14 nixie12 oxide13 oxids13 oxies12 oxime14 oxims14 pixie14 pyxie17 pyxis17 taxis12 toxic14 toxin12 vexil15 wuxia15 flexi15 alexia13 alexic15 alexin13 anoxia13 anoxic15 ataxia13 ataxic15 auxins13 axilla13 axioms15 axions13 axised14 axises13 axites13 bonxie15 boxier15 boxily18 boxing16 coxibs17 coxier15 coxing16 deixis14 dexies14 dioxid15 dioxin14 dixies14 dixits14 doxies14 elixir13 exiled14 exiler13 exiles13 exilic15 exines13 exists13 exited14 faxing17 fixing17 fixits16 fixity19 fixive19 foxier16 foxies16 foxily19 foxing17 guanxi14 Show more ...
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