Orts is valid Scrabble Word

Is orts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is orts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ORTS in dictionary:

Words related to ORTS


Words that contain ORTS

borts7 dorts6 forts8 morts7 ports7 rorts5 sorts5 torts5 worts8 jorts12 aborts8 poorts8 shorts9 skorts10 snorts6 sports8 whorts12 apports11 asports9 assorts7 besorts9 bortsch14 cavorts12 cohorts12 dehorts11 deports10 detorts8 efforts13 escorts9 exhorts17 exports16 extorts14 imports11 intorts7 reports9 resorts7 retorts7 airports10 allsorts8 awlworts14 besports12 bistorts10 blaworts13 bugworts14 carports12 comforts15 comports14 consorts10 contorts10 disports11 distorts9 fanworts14 felworts14 figworts15 gosports11 gunports11 jetports17 madworts14 missorts10 mortsafe13 mudworts14 mugworts14 outports10 pieforts13 portside11 presorts10 purports12 ragworts12 rapports12 ribworts13 seaports10 supports12 bellworts14 boatports13 bortsches16 boyshorts17 coleworts14 dameworts15 daneworts13 dropworts15 fleaworts15 goutworts13 heliports14 hillforts15 homeports16 honeworts15 hornworts15 lakeports15 leadworts13 lungworts13 marsports13 milkworts18 modiworts15 moonports13 moonworts14 moorworts14 mortsafes14 outsports11 passports13 piedforts15 pileworts14 Show more ...

How to use ORTS in a sentence

Similar words containing ORT without suffix s

ort3 bort6 dort5 fort7 mort6 port6 rort4 sort4 tort4 wort7 abort7 amort7 aorta5 aport7 borts7 borty10 bortz16 dorts6 dorty9 forte8 forth11 forts8 forty11 morts7 north8 ortho8 poort7 porta7 ports7 porty10 rorts5 rorty8 short8 skort9 snort5 sorta5 sorts5 sport7 torta5 torte5 torts5 whort11 worth11 worts8 jorts12 aborts8 aortae6 aortal6 aortas6 aortic8 apport10 asport8 assort6 besort8 cavort11 cohort11 cortex15 cortin8 dehort10 deport9 detort7 dorted8 dorter7 effort12 escort8 exhort16 export15 extort13 forted10 fortes9 forthy15 fortis9 import10 intort6 mortal8 mortar8 norths9 orthos9 poorts8 portal8 portas8 ported9 porter8 portly11 report8 resort6 retort6 rorted7 rorter6 shorts9 shorty12 skorts10 snorts6 snorty9 sortal6 sorted7 sorter6 sortes6 sortie6 sports8 Show more ...
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