Octal is valid Scrabble Word

Is octal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is octal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OCTAL in dictionary:

Words related to OCTAL


Words that contain OCTAL

octals8 proctal11 proctalgia15 proctalgias16

Similar words containing OCT without suffix al

octa6 octad8 octan7 octas7 octet7 octyl10 decoct11 doctor9 noctua8 octads9 octals8 octane8 octans8 octant8 octave11 octavo11 octets8 octett8 octopi10 octroi8 octuor8 octyls11 choctaw17 coctile11 coction11 concoct13 decocts12 doctors10 noctuas9 noctuid10 noctule9 nocturn9 octadic12 octagon10 octanes9 octanol9 octants9 octapla11 octaval12 octaves12 octavos12 octette9 octetts9 octofid13 octopod12 octopus11 octrois9 octuors9 octuple11 octuply14 percoct13 proctal11 proctor11 choctaws18 coctions12 concocts14 decocted14 doctoral11 doctored12 doctorly14 doctress11 doctrine11 noctilio10 noctuary13 noctuids11 noctules10 noctuoid11 nocturia10 nocturne10 nocturns10 octagons11 octangle11 octanols10 octantal10 octaplas12 octapody16 octarchy18 octaroon10 octettes10 octonary13 octopods13 octopoid13 octopush15 octoroon10 octupled13 octuples12 octuplet12 octuplex19 percocts14 proctors12 concocted16 concocter15 concoctor15 decocting15 decoction14 decoctive17 decocture14 doctorand13 doctorate12 doctoress12 doctorial12 doctoring13 doctrinal12 doctrines12 ectoproct15 endoproct14 entoproct13 isooctane11 noctilios11 noctiluca13 noctuoids12 nocturias11 nocturnal11 nocturnes11 nondoctor12 octachord17 octagonal12 octahedra15 octameter13 octangles12 octaploid14 octapodic16 octaroons11 octastich16 octastyle14 octennial11 octillion11 octohedra15 octonarii11 octoploid14 octopodan14 octopodes14 octopuses13 octoroons11 octostyle14 octothorp16 octuplets13 octupling14 percocted16 periproct15 proctitis13 proctodea14 proctored14 suboctave16 concocters16 concocting17 concoction16 concoctive19 concoctors16 decoctible17 decoctions15 decoctures15 doctorands14 doctorated14 doctorates13 doctorings14 doctorless13 doctorship18 doctresses13 doctrinism15 doctrinist13 ectoprocts16 endoprocts15 entoprocts14 isooctanes12 noctilucae14 noctilucas14 noctuaries12 nocturnals12 nondoctors13 octachords18 octahedral16 octahedron16 octamerous14 octameters14 octandrian13 octandrous13 octangular13 octaploids15 octaploidy18 octapodies15 octarchies17 octastichs17 octastyles15 octavalent15 octillions12 octodecimo17 octogenary16 octogynous16 octohedron16 octonarian12 octonaries12 octonarius12 octoploids15 octopodans15 octopodous15 octopusher17 octopushes17 octostyles15 octothorps17 paradoctor15 percocting17 periprocts16 pernoctate14 proctalgia15 proctodaea15 proctodeal15 proctodeum17 proctology18 proctorage15 proctorial14 proctoring15 proctorise14 proctorize23 proproctor16 protoctist14 suboctaves17 suboctuple16 troctolite12 undoctored14 octothorpe17 concoctions17 doctorating15 doctoresses14 doctorships19 doctrinaire14 doctrinally17 doctrinisms16 doctrinists14 equinoctial22 noctilucent15 noctilucous15 noctivagant17 noctivagous17 nocturnally16 octachordal19 octagonally17 octahedrite17 octahedrons17 octanedioic16 octapeptide18 octastichon18 octennially16 octillionth16 octingenary17 octodecimos18 octohedrons17 octonarians13 octonocular15 octopushers18 octuplicate17 paradoctors16 pernoctated16 pernoctates15 predoctoral16 proctalgias16 proctitides16 proctitises15 proctodaeal16 proctodaeum18 proctodeums18 proctologic18 proctorages16 proctorised16 proctorises15 proctorized25 proctorizes24 proctorship20 proctoscope19 proctoscopy22 proproctors17 protoctists15 rhizoctonia25 superoctave18 troctolites13 unconcocted18 yoctosecond19 octothorpes18 contraoctave19 doctrinaires15 doctrinality18 doctrinarian15 doctrinarism17 equinoctials23 indoctrinate15 noctambulism20 noctambulist18 noctilucence18 noctivagants18 nocturnality17 octahedrally21 octahedrites18 octapeptides19 octaploidies17 octastichons19 octastichous19 octastrophic21 octillionths17 octogenarian15 octogenaries15
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