Mose is valid Scrabble Word

Is mose a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mose valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for MOSE in dictionary:

Words related to MOSE

mosed8 moses7 mosing9

Words that contain MOSE

mosed8 moses7 mosey10 comose10 cymose13 dumose9 hamose11 moseys11 osmose8 ramose8 rimose8 vamose11 atmoses9 damosel10 demoses10 grumose10 gummose12 homosex19 limoses9 marmose11 moselle9 moseyed13 osmosed10 osmoses9 plumose11 titmose9 vamosed13 vamoses12 zymoses21 albumose12 anemoses10 biramose12 cosmoses12 cymosely18 damosels11 exosmose17 gummoses13 hommoses15 kosmoses14 marmoses12 marmoset12 moselles10 moseying14 phimoses15 racemose12 ramosely13 rimosely13 squamose19 strumose10 albumoses13 endosmose12 exosmoses18 homosexes21 hoummoses16 marmosets13 plumosely16 thermoses14 thermoset14 uniramose11 anastomose12 ecchymosed23 ecchymoses22 endosmoses13 homosexual22 lachrymose20 pomosexual21 racemosely17 squamosely24 thermosets15 anastomosed14 anastomoses13 chemosmoses20 homosexuals23 pomosexuals22 syndesmoses17 anaplasmoses16 chemiosmoses21 gamosepalous17 homosexually27 lachrymosely25 paraphimoses21 squamoseness23 homosexualism27 homosexualist25 homosexuality28 microcosmoses21 mycoplasmoses24 nonhomosexual25 thermosetting19 toxoplasmoses24 antihomosexual26 electroosmoses18 exophthalmoses31 histoplasmoses21 homosexualisms28 homosexualists26 nonhomosexuals26 squamosenesses25 homosexualities27 nonhomosexually30

How to use MOSE in a sentence

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