Mistrial is valid Scrabble Word

Is mistrial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mistrial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MISTRIAL in dictionary:

Words related to MISTRIAL


Words that contain MISTRIAL


Similar words containing TRI without suffix al and without prefix mis

trie4 trig5 trim6 trin4 trio4 trip6 tris4 atria5 atrip7 petri7 stria5 strig6 strim7 strip7 tetri5 triac7 triad6 trial5 tribe7 trice7 trick11 tride6 tried6 trier5 tries5 triff11 trigo6 trigs6 trike9 trild6 trill5 trims7 trine5 trins5 triol5 trior5 trios5 tripe7 trips7 tripy10 trist5 trite5 atrial6 atrium8 attrit6 betrim10 citric10 citrin8 estrin6 etrier6 iatric8 latria6 matric10 matrix15 metric10 nitric8 nitrid7 nitril6 nutria6 outrig7 putrid9 retrim8 striae6 strich11 strick12 strict8 stride7 strife9 strift9 striga7 strigs7 strike10 strims8 strine6 string7 stripe8 strips8 stript8 stripy11 strive9 tetris6 triacs8 triact8 triads7 triage7 trials6 tribal8 tribes8 tricar8 triced9 tricep10 trices8 tricks12 tricky15 tricot8 triene6 triens6 triers6 trifid10 trifle9 trigly10 trigon7 trigos7 trijet13 trikes10 trilby11 trillo6 trills6 trimer8 trimix15 trimly11 trinal6 trined7 trines6 triode7 triols6 triors6 triose6 tripes8 tripey11 triple8 triply11 tripod9 tripos8 trippy13 triste6 trisul6 triter6 trites6 triton6 triune6 trivet9 trivia9 tutrix13 untrim8 vitric11 yttria9 yttric11 thetri9 triked11 anestri7 astrict9 astride8 atriums9 attrist7 attrite7 attrits7 bestrid10 betrims11 cantrip11 centric11 chytrid16 citrine9 citrins9 dextrin15 distrix15 editrix15 entries7 entrism9 entrist7 estrich12 estrins7 estriol7 etriers7 gastric10 gastrin8 histrio10 latrias7 latrine7 liatris7 maestri9 mantric11 matrice11 matrics11 metrics11 metrify15 metring10 metrist9 mitring10 muntrie9 natrium9 nitride8 nitrids8 nitrify13 nitrile7 nitrils7 nitrite7 nostril7 nutrias7 oestrin7 oratrix14 ostrich12 outride8 outrigs8 outring8 patrial9 patrick15 patrico11 patriot9 petrify15 pretrim11 rectrix16 retrial7 retried8 retries7 retrims9 smytrie12 striata7 striate7 stricks13 strider8 strides8 stridor8 strifes10 strifts10 strigae8 strigil8 striker11 strikes11 strines7 strings8 stringy11 striped10 striper9 stripes9 stripey12 strived11 striven10 striver10 strives10 tantric9 tectrix16 testril7 tortrix14 triable9 triacid10 triacts9 triadic10 triaged9 triages8 trialed8 triarch12 triatic9 triaxon14 triazin16 tribade10 tribady13 tribals9 tribble11 triblet9 tribune9 tribute9 tricars9 triceps11 tricing10 tricity12 tricked14 tricker13 trickie13 trickle13 trickly16 tricksy16 triclad10 tricorn9 tricots9 tridarn8 trident8 triduan8 triduum10 triella7 trienes7 triffer13 triffic15 triffid14 trifled11 trifler10 trifles10 trifold11 trifoly13 triform12 trigamy13 trigged10 trigger9 triglot8 trigons8 trigram10 trijets14 trilbys12 trilith10 trilled8 triller7 trilobe9 trilogy11 trimers9 trimmed12 trimmer11 trimpot11 trimtab11 trinary10 trindle8
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