Liming is valid Scrabble Word

Is liming a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is liming valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIMING in dictionary:

Words related to LIMING

lime6 limed8 limes7

Words that contain LIMING

gliming11 limings10 sliming10 deliming12 unliming11 besliming14 subliming14 birdliming16 sublimings15

How to use LIMING in a sentence

Similar words containing LIM without suffix ing

flim9 glim7 lima6 limb8 lime6 limn6 limo6 limp8 limy9 plim8 slim6 blimp11 blimy12 climb11 clime9 flimp12 flims10 glime8 glims8 kelim11 kilim11 liman7 limas7 limax14 limba9 limbi9 limbo9 limbs9 limby12 limed8 limen7 limes7 limey10 limit7 limma9 limns7 limos7 limpa9 limps9 plims9 sclim9 sklim11 slime7 slims7 slimy10 baalim10 blimey13 blimps12 bulimy13 calima10 climax17 climbs12 climes10 delime9 flimps13 flimsy14 glimed10 glimes9 kelims12 khilim15 kilims12 limail8 limans8 limbas10 limbec12 limbed11 limber10 limbic12 limbos10 limbus10 limens8 limeys11 limier8 limina8 limits8 limmas10 limmer10 limned9 limner8 limnic10 limous8 limpas10 limped11 limper10 limpet10 limpid11 limply13 limpsy13 limuli8 prelim10 sclims10 sklims12 slimed9 slimes8 slimly11 slimsy11 unlime8 aliment9 alimony12 beslime11 bilimbi13 blimped14 bulimia11 bulimic13 bulimus11 calimas11 climate11 climbed14 climber13 delimed11 delimes10 delimit10 dislimb12 dislimn10 flimped15 gliming11 glimmer12 glimpse12 halimot12 heliman12 helimen12 kalimba15 khilims16 limacel11 limaces11 limacon11 limails9 limbate11 limbeck17 limbecs13 limbers11 limbier11 limbing12 limboed12 limboes11 limbous11 limeade10 limelit9 limepit11 limiest9 liminal9 limings10 limited10 limiter9 limites9 limmers11 limners9 limning10 limoses9 limosis9 limpers11 limpest11 limpets11 limping12 limpkin15 limpsey14 limulus9 mashlim14 millime11 mohalim14 mohelim14 molimen11 mwalimu14 plimmed14 plimsol11 prelims11 reclimb13 slimier9 slimily12 sliming10 slimmed12 slimmer11 slimpsy14 sublime11 unlimed10 unlimes9 upclimb15 blimied12 blimeys14 aglimmer13 aliments10 beslimed13 beslimes12 bilimbis14 birdlime13 blimbing15 blimpery17 blimping15 blimpish17 bulimiac14 bulimias12 bulimics14 bulimies12 climatal12 climated13 climates12 climatic14 climaxed20 climaxes19 climbers14 climbing15 deliming12 delimits11 dislimbs13 dislimns11 flimflam18 flimping16 flimsier13 flimsies13 flimsily16 forelimb15 glimmers13 glimmery16 glimpsed14 glimpser13 glimpses13 gorblimy16 halimote13 halimots13 kalimbas16 limacels12 limacine12 limacons12 limation10 limbecks18 limbered13 limberer12 limberly15 limbiest12 limbless12 limbmeal14 limboing13 limbuses12 limeades11 limekiln14 limeless10 limepits12 limerick16 limewash16 liminess10 limitary13 limiteds11 limiters10 limiting11 limnaeid11 limnetic12 limonene10 limonite10 limonium12 limpidly16 limpings13 limpkins16 limpness12 limpsier12 limuloid11 mashlims15 millimes12 millimho15 molimens12 mwalimus15 outclimb14 palimony15 plimming15 plimsole12 plimsoll12 plimsols12 prelimit12 reclimbs14 sclimmed15 shekalim17 shekelim17 sheqalim22 sklimmed17 slimdown14 slimebag13 slimiest10 slimline10 slimmers12 slimmest12 slimming13 slimmish15 slimness10 slimsier10 sublimed13 sublimer12 sublimes12 sublimit12 unlimber12 unliming11 upclimbs16 acclimate15 alimental11 alimented12 alimonied12 alimonies11 besliming14 bilimbing16 birdlimed15 birdlimes14 blimbings16
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