Lection is valid Scrabble Word

Is lection a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lection valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LECTION in dictionary:

Words related to LECTION


Words that contain LECTION

election10 flection13 lections10 balection13 bilection13 bolection13 elections11 flections14 selection11 balections14 bilections14 bolections14 collection14 deflection16 flectional15 inflection15 lectionary15 neglection13 prelection14 reelection12 reflection15 selections12 collections15 deflections17 deselection14 electioneer13 inflections16 neglections14 nonelection13 preelection15 prelections15 reelections13 reflections16 reselection13 deflectional18 deselections15 electioneers14 flectionless17 genuflection18 inflectional17 intellection14 irreflection17 lectionaries14 nonelections14 postelection16 predilection17 preselection16 recollection16 reflectional17 reselections14 selectionist14 preelections16 electioneered16 electioneerer15 genuflections19 intellections15 irreflections18 predilections18 preselections17 recollections17 retroflection18 selectionists15 subcollection19 antireflection19 electioneerers16 electioneering17 inflectionally22 inflectionless19 reflectionless19 retroflections19 subcollections20 electioneerings18 misrecollection21 noninflectional20 retroreflection20 subintellection19 retroreflections21 misrecollections22

Similar words containing LEC without suffix tion

alec6 lech9 aleck11 alecs7 blech12 cleck13 elect7 fleck14 leccy12 alecks12 cleche13 clecks14 clecky17 elects8 fleche14 flecks15 flecky18 leched12 lecher11 leches11 lechwe14 lectin8 lector8 select8 alecost9 befleck18 caleche14 clecked16 collect11 deflect13 dialect10 elected10 electee9 elector9 electro9 fleches15 flecked17 flecker16 inflect12 leccies11 lechaim14 lechers12 lechery15 leching13 lechwes15 lectern9 lectins9 lectors9 lecture9 lecturn9 lecythi15 neglect10 plectra11 plectre11 polecat11 prelect11 reelect9 reflect12 selecta9 selects9 telecom11 telecon9 acrolect12 alecosts10 analecta10 analects10 basilect12 beflecks19 caleches15 cleckier16 clecking17 collects12 complect16 cromlech17 cyclecar17 deflects14 deselect11 dialects11 eclectic14 electees10 electing11 election10 elective13 electors10 electret10 electric12 electron10 electros10 electrum12 filecard14 fleckers17 fleckier17 flecking18 flection13 idiolect11 inflects13 kreplech19 lecanora10 lechaims15 lechayim18 lechered14 lecithin13 lecterns10 lections10 lectress10 lectured11 lecturer10 lectures10 lecturns10 lecythis16 lecythus16 mallecho15 molecast12 molecule12 neglects11 nonelect10 plectres12 plectron12 plectrum14 polecats12 praelect12 preelect12 prelects12 reelects10 reflects13 reselect10 scoleces12 scolecid13 selectas10 selected11 selectee10 selectly13 selector10 solecise10 solecism12 solecist10 solecize19 telecast10 telechir13 telecine10 telecomm14 telecoms12 telecons10 telecopy15 acrolects13 alecithal14 alectryon14 analectic13 applecart15 balection13 basilects13 beflecked21 bilection13 bolection13 cablecast15 celecoxib22 cholecyst19 cleckiest17 cleckings18 colectomy18 collected14 collector13 complects17 cromlechs18 cyclecars18 deflected16 deflector15 delectate12 deselects12 dialectal12 dialectic14 dyslectic17 eclectics15 electable13 elections11 electives14 electoral11 electress11 electrets11 electrics13 electrify17 electrise11 electrize20 electrode12 electroed12 electrons11 electrums13 electuary14 emplecton15 emplectum17 entelechy17 filecards15 flechette17 fleckered19 fleckiest18 fleckless18 flections14 genuflect15 idiolects12 inflected15 inflector14 intellect11 lecanoras11 lechayims19 lecheries14 lechering15 lecherous14 lecithins14 lectorate11 lectotype16 lecturers11 lecturing12 mallechos16 molecasts13 molecular13 molecules13 neglected13 neglecter12 neglector12 olecranal11 olecranon11 parfleche19 pelecypod19 plectrons13 plectrums15 praelects13 predilect14 preelects13 prelected14 prelector13 preselect13 recollect13 reelected12 reflected15 reflecter14 reflector14 reselects11 scolecids14 scolecite13 scolecoid14 selectees11 selecting12 selection11 selective14 selectman13 selectmen13 selectors11 snowfleck21 sociolect13 solecised12 solecises11 solecisms13 solecists11 solecized21 solecizes20 telecasts11 telechirs14 telecines11 telecomms15 tylectomy19 unelected12 vallecula14 nonelects11 alectryons15 apoplectic18 applecarts16 balections14 beflecking22 bilections14 bolections14 cablecasts16 catalectic16 celecoxibs23 cholecysts20 collecting15 collection14 collective17 collectors14 complected19 deflecting17 deflection16 deflective19 deflectors16 delectable15 delectably18 delectated14 delectates13 deselected14 dialectics15 dielectric15 dyslectics18 elecampane16 electively18 electivity18 electorate12 electoress12 electorial12 electrical14 electrised13 electrises12
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