Imputed is valid Scrabble Word

Is imputed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is imputed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for IMPUTED in dictionary:

Words related to IMPUTED

impute10 imputes11 imputing13

How to use IMPUTED in a sentence

Similar words containing PUT without suffix ed and without prefix im

put5 puts6 putt6 putz15 caput9 input7 kaput11 putid8 puton7 putti7 putto7 putts7 putty10 sputa7 depute9 deputy12 impute10 inputs8 kaputt12 offput14 output8 puteal8 puteli8 putlog9 putoff14 putois8 putons8 putout8 putrid9 putsch13 putted9 puttee8 putten8 putter8 puttie8 puture8 putzed18 putzes17 repute8 sputum10 amputee11 autoput9 cajaput18 cajeput18 cajuput18 compute13 deputed11 deputes10 dispute10 imputer11 imputes11 kajeput20 occiput13 offputs15 outputs9 putamen11 putcher14 putchuk18 putdown13 puteals9 putelis9 putlock15 putlogs10 putoffs15 putouts9 putrefy15 puttees9 putters9 puttied10 puttier9 putties9 putting10 puttock15 putures9 putzing19 reputed10 reputes9 sputnik13 sputter9 thruput12 shotput12 sputums11 amputate12 amputees12 autoputs10 cajaputs19 cajeputs19 cajuputs19 computed15 computer14 computes14 deputies11 deputing12 deputise11 deputize20 disputed12 disputer11 disputes11 imputers12 imputing13 Show more ...
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