Hies is valid Scrabble Word

Is hies a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hies valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HIES in dictionary:

Words related to HIES

hie6 hied8 hieing10 hying12

Words that contain HIES

rhies8 shies8 whies11 shiest9 achiest12 ashiest10 bothies12 bushies12 cushies12 duchies13 hyphies18 lushies10 mashies12 rashies10 sophies12 techies12 tushies10 vichies15 withies13 mushies12 apathies13 banshies13 bolshies13 bushiest13 coachies15 conchies15 culchies15 culshies13 cushiest13 dashiest12 dinghies13 dishiest12 fishiest14 freshies14 furphies16 gotchies14 gothiest12 gushiest12 hashiest14 hoochies16 hushiest14 hutchies16 itchiest13 lathiest11 lushiest11 mashiest13 meshiest13 mochiest15 mothiest13 munchies15 murphies15 mushiest13 mythiest16 nitchies13 pithiest13 pushiest13 pyrohies16 quashies20 rotchies13 roughies12 rushiest11 slushies11 smithies13 stashies11 stishies11 stithies11 stushies11 techiest13 tichiest13 toshiest11 toughies12 trophies13 tumphies15 tumshies13 vughiest15 washiest14 withiest14 worthies14 yechiest16 acouchies16 anarchies14 atrophies14 beachiest16 beechiest16 benchiest16 bitchiest16 blashiest14 bolshiest14 botchiest16 brashiest14 brothiest14 brushiest14 bunchiest16 catchiest16 chichiest19 coachiest16 cockshies20 couthiest14 crunchies16 culchiest16 culshiest14 Show more ...

How to use HIES in a sentence

Similar words containing HIE without suffix s

hie6 hied8 chief13 chiel10 hiems10 rhies8 shied9 shiel8 shier8 shies8 thief11 whies11 achier11 ashier9 bothie11 bushie11 cahier11 chiefs14 chield12 chiels11 cushie11 hieing10 hiemal11 mashie11 mihied12 mochie13 rashie9 rechie11 shield10 shiels9 shiers9 shiest9 techie11 thieve12 tushie9 mushie11 achiest12 achieve15 ashiest10 banshie12 bolshie12 bothies12 bushier12 bushies12 cahiers12 cashier12 chiefer15 chiefly18 chiefry18 chields13 conchie14 couthie12 culchie14 culshie12 cushier12 cushies12 dashier11 dishier11 duchies13 fishier13 freshie13 gothier11 grushie11 gushier11 hashier13 hieland11 hoochie15 hushier13 hutchie15 hyphies18 itchier12 lathier10 lethied11 lushier10 lushies10 luthier10 macchie16 mashier12 mashies12 meshier12 mochier14 mothier12 munchie14 mushier12 mythier15 nitchie12 pithier12 pushier12 quashie19 rashies10 reechie12 rotchie12 roughie11 routhie10 rushier10 shields11 shieled11 sophies12 stashie10 stishie10 Show more ...
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