Dim is valid Scrabble Word

Is dim a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dim valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIM in dictionary:

Words related to DIM

dimly11 dimmed12 dimmer11 dimmers12 dimmest12 dimming13 dimmish15 dimness10 dimnesses12 dims7

Words that contain DIM

dime7 dimp9 dims7 bedim10 dimbo10 dimer8 dimes8 dimly11 dimps10 bedims11 dimble11 dimbos11 dimers9 dimity12 dimmed12 dimmer11 dimout9 dimple11 dimply14 dimpsy14 dimwit12 dedimus11 dimbles12 dimboes12 dimeric12 dimeter10 dimmers12 dimmest12 dimming13 dimmish15 dimness10 dimorph15 dimouts10 dimpled13 dimples12 dimwits13 dimyary16 vidimus13 bedimmed16 bedimple15 dimerise11 dimerism13 dimerize20 dimerous11 dimeters11 dimethyl17 dimetric13 diminish14 dimities11 dimmable15 dimmings14 dimorphs16 dimplier13 dimpling14 dimpsies13 melamdim15 pediment13 rudiment11 sediment11 undimmed14 bedimming17 bedimpled17 bedimples16 condiment14 dedimuses13 dimension12 dimerised13 dimerises12 dimerisms14 dimerized22 dimerizes21 dimethyls18 dimidiate13 dimissory15 dimnesses12 dimorphic19 dimpliest14 dimwitted16 dimyarian15 hardiment15 pediments14 rudiments12 sediments12 vidimuses15 acidimeter15 acidimetry18 bedimmings18 bedimpling18 condiments15 dimensions13 dimerising14 dimerizing23 dimethoate16 dimidiated15 dimidiates14 diminished17 diminishes16 diminuendo14 diminution13 diminutive16 Show more ...

How to use DIM in a sentence

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