Derms is valid Scrabble Word

Is derms a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is derms valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DERMS in dictionary:

Words related to DERMS


Words that contain DERMS

epiderms13 exoderms18 ectoderms14 endoderms13 entoderms12 hypoderms20 mesoderms14 periderms14 osteoderms13 pachyderms23 placoderms17 protoderms15 blastoderms16 echinoderms19 phelloderms19 scleroderms16 ostracoderms17 chordamesoderms26

Similar words containing RM without suffix s and without prefix de

arm5 erm5 arms6 army9 barm8 berm8 borm8 corm8 derm7 dorm7 farm9 ferm9 firm9 form9 germ7 gorm7 harm9 herm9 marm8 norm6 perm8 term6 turm6 warm9 worm9 alarm7 armed8 armer7 armet7 armil7 armor7 barms9 barmy12 berme9 berms9 borms9 charm12 chirm12 corms9 derma8 dorms8 dormy11 enarm7 enorm7 farms10 fermi10 ferms10 firms10 forme10 forms10 garms8 germs8 germy11 gorms8 gormy11 harms10 herma10 herms10 horme10 inarm7 inerm7 karma11 kerma11 korma11 marms9 norma7 norms7 ormer7 perms9 pharm12 qorma16 rearm7 slorm7 smarm9 sperm9 storm7 swarm10 terms7 tharm10 therm10 turme7 turms7 unarm7 urman7 warms10 worms10 wormy13 parma9 affirm14 airman8 airmen8 alarms8 armada9 armers8 armets8 armful11 armies8 armils8 arming9 armlet8 armors8 armory11 armour8 armpit10 armure8 aswarm11 barman10 barmen10 barmie10 bermed11 bermes10 beworm13 biform13 bormed11 carman10 carmen10 cermet10 charms13 chirms13 cormel10 cormus10 deform12 degerm10 deperm11 dermal9 dermas9 dermic11 dermis9 deworm12 dharma12 disarm9 dormer9 dormie9 dormin9 enarms8 enform11 ermine8 farmed12 farmer11 fermis11 firman11 firmed12 firmer11 firmly14 formal11 format11 formed12 formee11 former11 formes11 formic13 formol11 formyl14 german9 germed10 germen9 germin9 gormed10 harman11 harmed12 harmel11 harmer11 harmin11 hermae11 hermai11 hermit11 hormes11 hormic13 inarms8 infirm11 inform11 karmas12 karmic14 kermas12 kermes12 kermis12 kormas12 marmem12 marmot10 merman10 mermen10 murmur10 normal8 norman8 normas8 normed9 ormers8 ormolu8 permed11 permie10 permit10 pharma13 pharms13 prearm10 qormas17 rearms8 reform11 rewarm11 sarmie8 sermon8 slorms8 smarms10 smarmy13 sperms10 squirm17 storms8 stormy11 swarms11 tarmac10 termed9 termer8 termly11 termor8 thairm11 tharms11 therme11 therms11 turmes8 unarms8 unfirm11 unform11 urmans8 vermal11 vermes11 vermil11 vermin11 vermis11 warman11 warmed12 warmen11 warmer11 warmly14 warmth14 warmup13 wormed12 wormer11 wormil11 parmas10 aciform14 adermin10 adharma13 affirms15 airmail9 alarmed10 aliform12 armadas10 armband12 armeria9 armfuls12 armhole12 armiger10 armilla9 armings10 armless9 armlets9 armlike13 armload10 armlock15 armoire9 armored10 armorer9 armours9 armoury12 armpits11 armrest9 armsful12 armures9 ausform12 aviform15 bagworm15 barmaid12 barmier11 barmily14 barmkin15 barmpot13 becharm16 beermat11 berming12 bestorm11 beswarm14 beworms14 bioherm14 borming12 budworm15 carmine11 catworm14 cermets11 charmed15 charmer14 chirmed15 confirm14 conform14 cormels11 cormlet11 cormoid12 cormous11 cutworm14 deforms13 degerms11 deiform13
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