Cormus is valid Scrabble Word

Is cormus a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cormus valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for CORMUS in dictionary:

Words related to CORMUS

corm8 cormuses12

Words that contain CORMUS


Similar words containing RMU without suffix s and without prefix co

armure8 murmur10 warmup13 armures9 earmuff15 formula12 murmurs11 permute11 vermuth15 warmups14 bemurmur14 bermudas13 cormuses12 earmuffs16 formulae13 formular13 formulas13 murmured13 murmurer12 overmuch18 permuted13 permutes12 remurmur12 vermuths16 yarmulka17 yarmulke17 bemurmurs15 formulaic16 formulars14 formulary17 formulate14 formulise14 formulism16 formulist14 formulize23 intermure11 murmurers13 murmuring14 murmurous13 permutate13 permuting14 remurmurs13 surmullet11 yarmulkas18 yarmulkes18 bemurmured17 curmudgeon16 curmurring15 formulated16 formulates15 formulator15 formulised16 formulises15 formulisms17 formulists15 formulized25 formulizes24 intermured13 intermures12 murmurings15 overmuches20 permutable16 permutably19 permutated15 permutates14 remurmured15 surmullets12 intermural12 bemurmuring18 countermure15 curmudgeons17 curmurrings16 formularies16 formularise16 formularize25 formulating17 formulation16 formulators16 formulising17 formulistic18 formulizing26 intermuring14 menispermum19 murmuration15 murmuringly19 murmurously18 overmuscled19 permutating16 permutation15 reformulate16 remurmuring16 unmurmuring16 countermured17 countermures16 curmudgeonly21 formularised18 formulariser17 formularises17 formularized27 formularizer26 formularizes26 formulations17 hypermutable24 intermundane15 lithospermum21 menispermums20 murmurations16 overmultiply22 permutations16 preformulate19 reformulated18 reformulates17 supermundane17 unformulated18 countermuring18 formulaically23 formularisers18 formularising19 formularistic20 formularizers27 formularizing28 intermuscular17 lithospermums22 overmultitude19 permutability22 permutational17 preformulated21 preformulates20 reformulating19 reformulation18 unmurmuringly21 overmultiplied22 overmultiplies21 overmultituded21 overmultitudes20 permutableness20 preformulating22 reformulations19 curmudgeonlier20 formularisation20 formularization29 hypermutability30 overmultiplying26 overmultituding22 permutabilities21 curmudgeonliest21 curmudgeonlines21 hypermutabiliti27 formularizations30 curmudgeonliness22 hypermutabilities29 curmudgeonlinesses24
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