Corks is valid Scrabble Word

Is corks a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is corks valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CORKS in dictionary:

Words related to CORKS

cork10 corked13 corking14

Words that contain CORKS

recorks13 uncorks13 corkscrew20 corkscrews21 corkscrewed23 corkscrewing24

How to use CORKS in a sentence

Similar words containing RK without suffix s and without prefix co

ark7 erk7 irk7 arks8 bark10 berk10 birk10 bork10 burk10 cark10 cork10 dark9 dirk9 dork9 erks8 firk11 fork11 hark11 hork11 irks8 jark15 jerk15 kark12 kirk12 lark8 lirk8 lurk8 mark10 merk10 mirk10 murk10 nark8 nerk8 nork8 park10 perk10 pork10 rark8 sark8 serk8 turk8 wark11 work11 yark11 yerk11 yirk11 york11 zerk17 werk11 gurk9 arked10 awork12 barks11 barky14 berko11 berks11 birks11 borks11 burka11 burke11 burks11 carks11 chark14 chirk14 clerk11 corky14 darks10 darky13 dirke10 dirks10 dorks10 dorky13 firks12 forks12 forky15 harks12 horks12 irked10 jarks16 jerks16 jerky19 karks13 kerky16 kirks13 larks9 larky12 lirks9 lurks9 marka11 marks11 merks11 mirks11 mirky14 murks11 murky14 narks9 narky12 nerka9 nerks9 norks9 Show more ...
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