Bacterial is valid Scrabble Word

Is bacterial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bacterial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BACTERIAL in dictionary:

Words related to BACTERIAL

bacteria12 bacterially18 bacterials14

Words that contain BACTERIAL

abacterial14 bacterials14 bacterially18 eubacterial15 nonbacterial16 antibacterial17 mycobacterial24 antibacterials18 cyanobacterial23 corynebacterial24 enterobacterial19

How to use BACTERIAL in a sentence

Similar words containing BACTERI without suffix al

bacteria12 bacteric14 bacterin12 bacterian13 bacterias13 bacterins13 bacterise13 bacterium15 bacterize22 abacterial14 bacterials14 bacterioid15 bacterised15 bacterises14 bacterized24 bacterizes23 eubacteria14 bacterially18 bactericide18 bacteriocin17 bacterioids16 bacterioses15 bacteriosis15 bacterising16 bacteriuria15 bacterizing25 eubacterium17 eubacterial15 bactericidal19 bactericides19 bacteriocins18 bacteriology20 bacteriostat16 bacteriurias16 mycobacteria23 nonbacterial16 bacteriocide19 antibacterial17 bacteriologic20 bacteriolyses20 bacteriolysin20 bacteriolysis20 bacteriolytic22 bacteriophage23 bacteriophagy26 bacteriostats17 bacteriotoxin24 bacterisation17 bacterization26 cyanobacteria22 mycobacterial24 mycobacterium26 nitrobacteria17 bacteriocidal20 bacteriocides20 antibacterials18 archaebacteria23 bactericidally24 bacteriologies19 bacteriologist19 bacteriolysins21 bacteriophages24 bacteriophagic26 bacteriostases18 bacteriostasis18 bacteriostatic20 bacteriotoxins25 bacterisations18 bacterizations27 corynebacteria23 cyanobacterium25 enterobacteria18 nitrobacterium20 trichobacteria23 cyanobacterial23 archaebacterium26 bacteriological22 bacteriologists20 bacteriophagies25 bacteriophagous25 corynebacterial24 corynebacterium26 enterobacterial19 enterobacterium21 bacteriorhodops25 bacteriochlorop26 bacteriorhodopsin27 bacteriologically27 bacteriorhodopsins28 bacteriochlorophyll36 bacteriochlorophylls37
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