Actors is valid Scrabble Word

Is actors a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is actors valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ACTORS in dictionary:

Words related to ACTORS


Words that contain ACTORS

factors12 abactors12 coactors12 enactors10 exactors17 reactors10 tractors10 cofactors16 impactors15 nonactors11 redactors12 triactors11 varactors14 attractors12 compactors18 contactors14 detractors13 extractors19 factorship20 infractors15 nonfactors15 playactors17 reenactors12 refractors15 retractors12 abstractors15 benefactors18 bioreactors15 calefactors18 contractors15 distractors14 factorships21 malefactors18 nonreactors13 protractors15 subtractors15 transactors13 underactors14 substractors16 multifactors19 chiropractors22 hyperreactors23 subcontractors20 hydroextractors31

How to use ACTORS in a sentence

Similar words containing ACTOR without suffix s

actor7 factor11 abactor11 actorly12 coactor11 enactor9 exactor16 factors12 factory15 reactor9 tractor9 abactors12 actorish13 coactors12 cofactor15 enactors10 enactory13 exactors17 factored14 impactor14 nonactor10 reactors10 redactor11 tractors10 triactor10 varactor13 attractor11 cofactors16 compactor17 contactor13 detractor12 extractor18 factorage15 factorial14 factories14 factoring15 factorise14 factorize23 impactors15 infractor14 nonactors11 nonfactor14 olfactory17 playactor16 redactors12 reenactor11 refractor14 retractor11 triactors11 varactors14 actorlier11 abstractor14 attractors12 benefactor17 bioreactor14 calefactor17 compactors18 contactors14 contractor14 detractors13 detractory16 distractor13 extractors19 factorable17 factorages16 factorials15 factorings16 factorised16 factorises15 factorized25 factorizes24 factorship20 infractors15 malefactor17 nonfactors15 nonreactor12 playactors17 protractor14 reenactors12 refractors15 refractory18 retractors12 subtractor14 transactor12 unactorish15 underactor13 actorliest12 abstractors15 benefactors18 benefactory21 bioreactors15 calefactors18 calefactory21 contractors15 distractors14 factorially19 factorising17 factorizing26 factorships21 factorylike23 Show more ...
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