Acta is valid Scrabble Word

Is acta a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is acta valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ACTA in dictionary:

Words that contain ACTA

facta10 pacta9 actant8 exacta15 lactam10 actable11 actants9 exactas16 fractal12 lactams11 lactary12 lactase9 lactate9 fractals13 lactases10 lactated11 lactates10 reactant10 tractate10 enactable13 exactable20 jactation18 lactarian11 lactating12 lactation11 mactation13 reactance13 reactants11 tractable13 tractably16 tractates11 tractator11 unactable13 actability17 attractant12 cactaceous16 extractant19 fractality18 jactations19 lactarians12 lactations12 mactations14 reactances14 refractary18 surfactant15 tractarian12 tractators12 ablactation15 attractable15 attractance15 attractancy18 attractants13 caprolactam19 contactable17 extractable22 extractants20 interactant13 intractable15 intractably18 lactalbumin17 lactational13 refractable18 retractable15 surfactants16 tractarians13 untractable15 ablactations16 abstractable18 actabilities16 attractances16 caprolactams20 contractable18 contractably21 cosurfactant19 distractable17 fractalities17 galactagogue17 interactants14 lactalbumins18 refractaries17 retractation14 tractability19 attractancies17 cosurfactants20 galactagogues18 labefactation20 lactationally18 retractations15 tractableness17 extractability28 intractability21 labefactations21 retractability21 tractabilities18 chemoattractant24 contractability24 intractableness19 tractablenesses19 untractableness19 intractabilitie19 extractabilitie26 Show more ...

How to use ACTA in a sentence

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