Vig is valid Scrabble Word

Is vig a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vig valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VIG in dictionary:

Words related to VIG


Words that contain VIG

viga8 vigs8 vigas9 vigia9 vigil9 vigor9 vigias10 vigils10 vigoro10 vigors10 vigour10 vigoros11 vigours11 avigator12 claviger14 levigate12 navigate12 ravigote12 vigilant12 vigneron12 vignette12 vigorish15 vigoroso12 vigorous12 avigators13 clavigers15 laevigate13 levigable15 levigated14 levigates13 levigator13 navigable15 navigably18 navigated14 navigates13 navigator13 ovigerous13 ravigotes13 ravigotte13 vigesimal15 vigilance15 vigilante13 vignerons13 vignetted14 vignetter13 vignettes13 invigilate14 invigorant14 invigorate14 laevigated15 laevigates14 levigating15 levigation14 levigators14 navigating15 navigation14 navigators14 ravigottes14 vigilances16 vigilantes14 vigilantly17 vignetters14 vignetting15 vignettist14 vigorishes17 vigorously17 clavigerous17 innavigable17 innavigably20 invigilated16 invigilates15 invigilator15 invigorants15 invigorated16 invigorates15 invigorator15 laevigating16 levigations15 navigations15 unnavigable17 unnavigated16 vigilantism17 vignettings16 vignettists15 invigilating17 invigilation16 invigilators16 invigorating17 invigoration16 invigorative19 invigorators16 navigability21 navigational16 reinvigorate16 vigilantisms18 vigilantness16 vigintillion16 vigorousness16 disinvigorate18 hypervigilant25 invigilations17 Show more ...

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