Umbra is valid Scrabble Word

Is umbra a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is umbra valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UMBRA in dictionary:

Words related to UMBRA

umbrae10 umbral10 umbras10 umbratic14

Words that contain UMBRA

umbrae10 umbral10 umbras10 umbrage12 adumbral13 penumbra14 umbraged14 umbrages13 umbrated13 umbratic14 adumbrate14 cumbrance17 inumbrate13 obumbrate15 penumbrae15 penumbral15 penumbras15 umbracula15 umbraging15 umbratile13 adumbrated16 adumbrates15 cumbrances18 inumbrated15 inumbrates14 obumbrated17 obumbrates16 umbraculum18 umbrageous15 umbratical16 umbratiles14 adumbrating17 adumbration16 adumbrative19 encumbrance19 incumbrance19 inumbrating16 obumbrating18 obumbration17 umbraculate17 umbratilous15 adumbrations17 encumbrancer20 encumbrances20 incumbrancer20 incumbrances20 obumbrations18 umbrageously20 adumbratively24 encumbrancers21 incumbrancers21 umbraculiform24 disencumbrance23 umbrageousness19 disencumbrances24 umbrageousnesse20 umbrageousnesses21

How to use UMBRA in a sentence

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