Revved is valid Scrabble Word

Is revved a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is revved valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REVVED in dictionary:

Words related to REVVED

rev6 revs7 revving14

How to use REVVED in a sentence

Similar words containing VV without suffix ed and without prefix re

bevvy16 bivvy16 civvy16 divvy15 lavvy14 luvvy14 navvy14 savvy14 bovver14 chavvy20 chivvy20 devvel13 luvved13 luvvie12 savvey15 skivvy19 spivvy17 bevvied16 bevvies15 bivvied16 bivvies15 bovvers15 chivved19 civvies15 devvels14 divvied15 divvier14 divvies14 flivver16 lavvies13 luvvies13 luvving14 navvied14 navvies13 revving14 savveys16 savvied14 savvier13 savvies13 savvily16 shivved17 bevvying20 bivvying20 chavvier19 chivvied20 chivvies19 chivving20 crivvens16 divviest15 divvying19 flivvers17 navvying18 savveyed18 savviest14 savvying18 shivving18 skivvied19 skivvies18 spivvery19 spivvier16 spivvish19 chavviest20 chivvying24 devvelled17 luvviedom18 savveying19 savviness15 skivvying23 spivviest17 avvogadore18 devvelling18 luvviedoms19 spivveries18 avvogadores19 savvinesses17 improvvisatore24 improvvisatores25 improvvisatrice27
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