Rato is valid Scrabble Word

Is rato a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rato valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RATO in dictionary:

Words related to RATO


Words that contain RATO

ratoo5 ratos5 craton8 orator6 ratoon6 ratoos6 aerator7 cratons9 curator9 gyrator11 orators7 oratory10 ratoons7 vibrato12 aerators8 barrator10 castrato10 ceratoid11 cratonic12 curators10 curatory13 gyrators12 gyratory15 hydrator15 juratory18 keratoid13 keratoma14 keratose12 literato8 migrator11 moderato11 moratory13 narrator8 nitrator8 operator10 oratorio8 ratooned9 ratooner8 regrator9 stratose8 stratous8 teratoid9 teratoma10 titrator8 vibrator13 vibratos13 aspirator11 barrators11 castrator11 castratos11 ceratodus12 cinerator11 cocurator13 deaerator10 decorator12 depurator12 execrator18 federator13 generator10 hydrators16 imperator13 inamorato11 keratomas15 keratoses13 keratosic15 keratosis13 keratotic15 liberator11 libratory14 literator9 macerator13 migrators12 migratory15 moderator12 moderatos12 moratoria11 narrators9 narratory12 nitrators9 numerator11 obturator11 operators11 oratorial9 oratorian9 oratories9 oratorios9 paratonic13 perorator11 ratooners9 ratooning10 regrators10 saturator9 separator11 stratonic11 superatom13 teratogen10 teratomas11 titrators9 tolerator9 venerator12 vibrators14 Show more ...

How to use RATO in a sentence

  • No habia andado largo rato cuando tropezo con el tio Macario, que venia tambien del cielo y marchaba con la cabeza baja.
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