Orbed is valid Scrabble Word

Is orbed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is orbed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ORBED in dictionary:

Words related to ORBED

orb5 orbing9 orbs6

Words that contain ORBED

sorbed9 inorbed10 absorbed13 adsorbed12 desorbed12 disorbed12 resorbed11 absorbedly18 reabsorbed15 unabsorbed15 chemisorbed21 chemosorbed21 preabsorbed18

How to use ORBED in a sentence

Similar words containing ORB without suffix ed

orb5 dorb7 forb9 orbs6 orby9 sorb6 corbe9 corby12 dorba8 dorbs8 forbs10 forby13 inorb7 orbit7 sorbo7 sorbs7 absorb10 adsorb9 corban10 corbel10 corbes10 corbie10 desorb9 dorbas9 dorbug10 forbad12 forbid12 forbye14 inorbs8 morbid11 morbus10 orbier8 orbing9 orbita8 orbits8 orbity11 resorb8 sorbed9 sorbet8 sorbic10 sorbus8 absorbs11 adsorbs10 corbans11 corbeau11 corbeil11 corbels11 corbies11 corbina11 deorbit10 desorbs10 dorbugs11 forbade13 forbare12 forbear12 forbids13 forbode13 forbore12 inorbed10 orbiest9 orbital9 orbitas9 orbited10 orbiter9 orbless9 poorbox18 resorbs9 sorbate9 sorbent9 sorbets9 sorbing10 sorbite9 sorbose9 theorbo12 zorbing19 orblike13 absorbed13 absorber12 adsorbed12 adsorber11 ascorbic14 comorbid15 corbeaus12 corbeils12 corbeled13 corbinas12 deorbits11 desorbed12 desorber11 disorbed12 doorbell11 forbears13 forbidal14 forboded15 forbodes14 forborne13 gorbelly14 gorblimy16 inorbing11 moorburn12 Show more ...
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