Orate is valid Scrabble Word

Is orate a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is orate valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ORATE in dictionary:

Words related to ORATE

orated7 orates6 orating8

Words that contain ORATE

borate8 lorate6 orated7 orates6 borated10 borates9 odorate8 phorate12 prorate9 quorate16 biforate13 chlorate13 decorate11 ephorate13 pejorate17 perorate10 phorates13 priorate10 prorated11 prorates10 sororate8 chlorates14 corporate13 decorated13 decorates12 deflorate13 doctorate12 elaborate11 ephorates14 evaporate14 inquorate18 juniorate16 lectorate11 meliorate11 pastorate11 pejorated19 pejorates18 perborate13 perforate14 perorated12 perorates11 pignorate12 porporate13 priorates11 rectorate11 sororates9 advisorate14 ameliorate12 camphorate19 corporates14 decolorate13 deflorated15 deflorates14 doctorated14 doctorates13 edulcorate13 elaborated13 elaborates12 electorate12 evaporated16 evaporates15 invigorate14 juniorates17 lectorates12 meliorated13 meliorates12 pastorates12 perborates14 perforated16 perforates15 pignorated14 pignorates13 rectorates12 redecorate13 stercorate12 advisorates15 ameliorated14 ameliorates13 bicorporate17 camphorated21 camphorates20 collaborate15 commemorate19 concolorate15 corporately18 corroborate15 decolorated15 decolorates14 deteriorate12 directorate14 edulcorated15 edulcorates14 elaborately16 electorates13 expectorate22 governorate15 imperforate18 impignorate16 incorporate15 inelaborate13 invigorated16 Show more ...

How to use ORATE in a sentence

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