Molal is valid Scrabble Word

Is molal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is molal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MOLAL in dictionary:

Words that contain MOLAL

osmolal9 molality13 equimolal20 molalities12 osmolality15 osmolalities14

How to use MOLAL in a sentence

Similar words containing MOL without suffix al

mol5 mola6 mold7 mole6 moll6 mols6 molt6 moly9 amole7 cymol12 molar7 molas7 molds8 moldy11 moled8 moles7 molla7 molls7 molly10 molto7 molts7 molys10 osmol7 smolt7 ymolt10 molvi10 amoles8 cymols13 formol11 jymold19 molars8 molded10 molder9 molest8 molies8 moline8 moling9 mollah11 mollas8 mollie8 moloch13 molted9 molten8 molter8 ormolu8 osmole8 osmols8 remold9 smolts8 thymol14 unmold9 wadmol12 formols12 homolog13 molasse9 molders10 moldier10 molding11 molests9 molimen11 molines9 molinet9 mollahs12 mollies9 mollify15 mollusc11 mollusk13 molochs14 molossi9 molters9 molting10 ormolus9 osmolal9 osmolar9 osmoles9 premold12 premolt11 remolds10 smolder10 thymols15 timolol9 tremolo9 unmolds10 wadmoll13 wadmols13 ymolten12 molerat9 ammolite12 atmology14 atmolyse13 atmolyze22 chromoly18 cimolite12 demolish14 demology15 duckmole17 gemology15 hemolyse16 hemolyze25 homologs14 Show more ...
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