Hex is valid Scrabble Word

Is hex a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hex valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HEX in dictionary:

Words related to HEX

hexed16 hexer15 hexers16 hexes15 hexing17 hexings18 moz14

Words that contain HEX

hexad16 hexed16 hexer15 hexes15 hexyl18 hexact18 hexade17 hexads17 hexane16 hexene16 hexers16 hexing17 hexone16 hexose16 hexyls19 rhexes16 rhexis16 cachexy24 hexacts19 hexades18 hexadic20 hexagon18 hexanes17 hexapla19 hexapod20 hexarch22 hexenes17 hexerei17 hexings18 hexones17 hexosan17 hexoses17 hexylic22 narthex17 cachexia22 cachexic24 cathexes20 cathexis20 hexafoil21 hexaglot19 hexagons19 hexagram21 hexamine20 hexanoic20 hexaplar20 hexaplas20 hexapods21 hexapody24 hexarchy26 hexereis18 hexosans18 hexylene21 rhexises18 cachexias23 cachexies23 hexachord25 hexafoils22 hexaglots20 hexagonal20 hexagrams22 hexahedra23 hexameral21 hexameter21 hexamines21 hexaploid22 hexapodal22 hexapodic24 hexastich24 hexastyle22 hexathlon22 hexylenes22 narthexes19 hexadecyl25 aldohexose21 hexachords26 hexactinal22 hexadecane23 hexaemeric24 hexaemeron22 hexagynian24 hexagynous24 hexahedral24 hexahedron24 hexamerism24 hexamerous22 hexameters22 hexametral22 hexametric24 hexandrian21 hexandrous21 hexangular21 hexaplaric24 hexaploids23 hexaploidy26 hexapodies23 hexarchies25 hexastichs25 hexastyles23 hexathlons23 hexavalent23 hexokinase24 Show more ...

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